Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Treaty of Versailles, FDR, and Us --- Not

By Anna Von Reitz

Nothing Woodrow Wilson signed concerns us.  He is very clearly signing for the incorporated British entity operating the British Territorial United States Government and acting as the "President" of a Territorial Corporation. 

The only affect that that has or could ever have on us is via identity theft, entrapment, and other readily recognizable commercial crimes and breaches of trust, the evidence of which is readily at hand. 

So, folks, all of those who have been running around like chickens with their heads off squawking about Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles!  The Treaty of Versailles! --- can stop now.

Each and every time you see a reference to "The Constitution of the United States of America" you know that it concerns the British Territorial United States and not us. 

Each and every time you see a reference to "the" United States, you can be sure it concerns the Municipal United States Government and not us. 

When you see the minutes of the Conference of Governors dated March 6, 1933, "pledging" the good faith and credit of "their states and the citizenry thereof" --- you may be sure that they are referencing their Territorial States of States and the Territorial "citizenry" thereof.

You may be sure it has nothing whatsoever to do with us, and you may now better understand why they have contrived by every deceptive means of entrapment and falsification of records and adhesion contracts and identity theft to "mistakenly" redefine you as Territorial and Municipal "citizenry" instead of what you actually and rightfully are--- American State Citizens, aka, United States Nationals.

Tell Karen Hudes that she is now facing the actual Priority Creditors and we are not pleased.


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1 comment:

  1. Priority creditors is the myth of Anna VR, deceiving most Americans who are unaware of the fact that Anna is just a quick thinker, an assumer. She doesn't know there are massive gold thefts behind all American national credits and debts, after 1934... and behind all fake loans in North America and Europe. The Western Brigands kept their stolen gold in silence very secretive, that nobody knows except the holy power and the spirits, and the Top Banksters and their Masters. People with intelligence can tell something went wrong after the Great Depression after the financial crisis after 1930-31 G20 G7 bankruptcy how did they come out from this crisis like a magic without any hard works. How did America get mega millions tons of gold after their 20kton of gold confiscation?? not only America got a whole bunch of gold out of nowhere the British also got a lot more 7-10 millions tons of gold than America than the French all got stolen gold all the sudden.
    This is the topic that Anna has no clue that's why she assumed that America using human backed currency/loan too late, which is false and impossible. The stolen gold is what going to cause the flip side of the western bridgands mistakes, their Karma is coming up. Anna cannot just make a false claim out of the Philippines (hired to produce) lies saying that they owe the massive gold, deposit and given freely to the Western G7 countries. Anna didn't know that F. MARCOS was the top hired liar at age 32~, to be the richest person in the world in quadrillions of dollars to be so generous, you know there's something very wrong if you are not spiritual you cannot tell.. He was hired by the G7 thievery country's period. Anna is not ashamed of making false assumptions more than once. How do I know all of these facts? Because I'm a spiritual person, I look at everybody's energies before I say something. I look at 10's men energy's involved together in crimes. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


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