Tuesday, September 11, 2018

On the Morning of 9/11 - The Truth In 5 Minutes - James Corbett

Found here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgrunnLcG9Q


  1. https://alethonews.com/2018/09/10/9-11-was-an-israeli-job/#comment-118137

  2. On 911, 3000 people did not die. They were murdered, deliberately and knowingly with intent. Not all of them were americans, some were visitors from other countries. Regardless, its been 17 years ago now; its about time to stop spending the whole day of 9/11 looking backwards if Justice is not going to be done.
    I'm sure 3000 other folks die every single day of the year, so why are some more important than others? Ohio had 5000 OD deaths just last year, died and forgotten about.
    Its time to move on and stop making day long events over murder and nonsensical wars ....IMO

  3. Gee, Abby that was an ALMOST ^ profound post, but as usual u didn't address the crime of who has murdered in the name of this 911 crime for 17 years 💣

    Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet, so u missed that significantly interesting p.o.v. as well - which end timers like u tend to ignore because Q doesn't fit into your paradigm of end timer's lunacy😂

    Q interpretations from a Christian non end time lunatic perspective 💓


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