Monday, May 28, 2018

Legislation is Not Law

By Anna Von Reitz

This is going to come like a thunderclap on a very quiet day, but this is the truth and the fact:
Legislation is not now and never has been law for anyone but those subscribing to or employed by or dependent upon the government services corporations.

The vermin have neatly side-stepped this by forcing our inclusion in their scheme almost at birth, and claiming that we are either volunteers, employees, or dependents. To hedge their bets in this swindle, they claim that we are all three.
JOHN MICHAEL DOE is purportedly the name of a "decedant estate trust" formed when our Mothers "donated" us as "wards of the state" before they left the hospital.
JOHN M. DOE is the name of a volunteer employee and public transmitting utility franchise, recently bankrupted in Puerto Rico.
JOHN DOE is the name of a pauper dependent on the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) kept as the Attorney General's Charitable Trust in each county in this country.
And it is all Bushwah. All deliberate fraud. All foreign finagling.
So, remember that you are not subject to legislation, no matter what they claim---- object to it. Also remember that you are the original Entitlement Holder to your name and you can prove that simply from the fact that your actual birthday on the BC is always at least a few days earlier than the "file date" when the local branch of the municipal US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE dba Bureau of Vital Statistics created the Decedant Estate NAMED after you.
It is time that the entire world woke up and realized that this entire process is based on extortion, fraud, racketeering, and unconscionable contracts being foisted off onto innocent people by commercial corporations that are simply in the business of providing governmental services.
It is also time to realize that our employees have been embezzling from us for the better part of 150 years, which means that they cannot hope to ever pay us back, and must be forgiven, just as we must be released from the resulting odious debts.

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Adhesion contracts (but)undisclosed thus void.
    If push come to shove demand a trial by jury and in common law your accusers must take the stand.and present the a contract. What the judge who definitely works for the bar is looking for a way to shut you down by you not follow Courticaria procedure failure to filing your claim and rebuttals instant summary win for the other side .but good oral arguments win like bundys.loosing till Ryan took the floor and the jury then understood .

  2. What does this last paragraph mean? Are you saying ''they embezzled all the money and so they can't pay us back what they stole from us'? No, Anna, Im afraid we the People cannot buy that excuse. Money never vanishes; it is somewhere. We will accept all their ill-begotten worldly goods they bought with our money, thank you.
    Those of us that still have a flicker of brains left, are NOT willing to just 'forgive them'. Where did you get such a liberal whacky idea??
    Go back to the drawing board, and come up with something intelligent.

    1. Abby, I just have to ask. How old are you? Regardless your answer, you seem to have the intelligence and maturity of a five years old. YOU GO BACK TO the drawing board and figure it out. You are most definitely lost !! THERE IS NO MONEY. duhh

    2. No, but there is plenty of gold and silver keept somewhere...And the rest can be made up by confiscating all the real assets they all possess including Windsore and the ABBY...!!

    3. rene, maybe it is you that has a maturity problem. Read my lips - - money is always somewhere, it does not vanish. We will settle for all their worldly goods they purchased with their ill-begotten gains. Have you never heard of 'Liquidation'? And how hard is it to run down their bank accounts and other such ASSets? Huh.
      See rene' they steal but they do not cook $$ for lunch. They hoard it, lavish themselves in splendor; we need to remove their false sense of privilege.
      Rene, it is very curious as to why You would go bonkers over anyone's attempt or desire to Correct this gross Injustice, and also go on a rampage to defend such Criminality. Can you explain that to us?
      What the People want is simply Restitution, yet why are you so rabidly against that? And while you are at it, explain to us all just what is ''lost' about me?

    4. Good point why should the Rothschild banking empire held exempt ? Iceland didn't think so .however they control so much through the massive controls of free monopoly money they may be untouchable .

    5. “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”

  3. Congress has plenary power over its 14th amendment persons, all persons born or naturalized into the UN dba United States dba District of Columbia via interstate commerce clause, aka citizens of the United States/U.S. citizens.

    1. The 14 not ratified , can't force slavery on ppl.

  4. And yet Individual Human Beings will NOT Privately Unite as the Founding Fathers Warned: " We gave you a Republic...If you can keep it?" So much for "United We Stand, Divided We Fall."

  5. We did keep the last part of that statement...."divided we fall"...!! We never stood United...!! Except during the revolutionary war..!!

  6. Replies
    1. It is also incorporated. It should be written and sign like this: :John-Michael, Doe
      This one is not incorporated.
      Rothschild use: Evelyn de Rothschild
      They use "de" to separate Name from their Family-Name

    2. BB, ah I always wondered about that. Now I know. Thx.

  7. Great Anna, we are all drowning in a sea of corruption and you are describing the water. Can you give any examples of success by those not as knowledgeable as you that have done your status change paperwork and stopped a traffic ticket, or stopped the IRS recently, or stopped property taxes? They just ignore anything we show them even if we tell them we are not a fiction and are not a piece of paper. You are so very, very correct in what you say, but we have no enforcement against these criminal pieces of garbage!

    1. JHD, we hear that a lot around here. Yet there has not been any solution given. I tend to think weaving ourselves in through this present System, is not going to work. At least I don't see how it will work. We all look alike to cops....and the robbers, too.

  8. isnt that supposed to be "decedent" as in Form 56 or is it "decedant" ???

  9. This concept of the line in the sand the constitution is only a check on the federal government workers.common law was the law of the land and that was a cording to national liberty alliance not statutory they were trying to reestablish common law courts but the establishment refused to give them access to court bldg .

    1. This truth is critical to our success not only common law don't allow Roman civil law but when they incorporated that also.moved the jurisdiction to the sea.when we comprehend we are a common law country from the get go it's our go into a court and ask if it's a court of record? If so it's by default a common law court and proceed in common law bring forth the man I harmed. No claim no case.


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