Monday, April 30, 2018

Regarding the Israeli-Iran Document Dump

By Anna Von Reitz

Nuclear weapons are obsolete.  They have been obsolete for decades.  They are sitting around in rusting towers all over this planet connected by MS-DOS software that was in use thirty years ago.   

Does everyone clearly understand that?  It's possible that they could be deployed, but then, it's possible that I'll take up table dancing, too.  

Defense systems have moved waaaaay beyond nuclear weapons, so far beyond that the biggest controversy about nuclear weapons today is how to safely dispose of them. 

Iran is not stupid.  Iran has some of the best mathematicians and scientists in the world.  Iran knows that nuclear weapons are obsolete, horribly expensive, pollution nightmares, and under international sanctions.

It would be like sneaking around building contraband whale oil lamps. The whole idea of Iran coveting nuclear weapons is ludicrous. 

These documents are as phony-baloney as all the other False Flags we've seen in recent days--- just a different kind of False Flag.  And another example of Certain Parties trying to gin up World War III with anybody for any reason. 

Iran hasn't engaged in a war outside its own borders for over 200 years, so the idea that the Iranians are war-mongers being pitched by the Israelis is ironic to the point of tears. 

And yes,  Iranians may very well be shouting, "Death to America!" --- because like nearly everyone else, they are confused between "America" and "the British Territorial United States".    

We've been victims, folks, and we've been chumps, confused as the Iranians about who we are and what we are doing ---- but like one Old Texan said today --- "I'm great and I'm getting better."  

And we won't be fooled again.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.  


  1. Nuclear energy and weapons is a hoax. Research it. Namaste...

  2. i have been led to believe that this physical man named Israel is a false miracle that we were warned about.
    Also been on my mind lately, that True Israel is surrounded. His Jerusalem, His city. Since the world has placed marriage between same sex partners in the Holy place, we have witnessed a sharp decline in the nations.
    The world very much so is at war with Him, with Yahusha (Jesus) with His Father. The world stands in opposition.
    Does the world love Him? Do we love each other'Truly?

    1. what if they turned knowledge and the maps upside down? what if the old world is really the new world? what if peru-selum was really jeru-selum? who would the chosen people be? what if america was once/is the empire of morroco? what if marakech was modern day philadelphia capital of the republic? what if george washington wrote letters to the magnanimous sultan thanking him for the use of the land? what if there are more pyramids/mounds in the americas underground than in the old world? what if the mayans came back? did they ever disappear? what if the bible was really describing the americas? is the grand canyon up to 2 billon years old? could it contain giants and artifacts right there under our noses? how is this relevant? haha

    2. To: a follower...the simple answer is NO...!!

  3. Update:KIM SELLS UN BACK TO EACH NATION - listen at the @83min mark
    “Kim and the Trust(Manna World Holding Trust) sold the UN and all of its subsidiaries back to all the nations.
    The properties of the former UN was in foreclosure for non-payment of lesser fees by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and the Asian families.
    The sale comes with a complete file to all nations of the orders done and the misuse of the organisation by the previous incumbents. A total of 108,000 files of intel against the operations of the UN was handed over to all nations as part of the selling and an equal share to each Nation.
    Finer details are being worked out currently as to weather all membership fees paid to the UN by all Nations are to be refunded as in the original charter for the UN there was not supposed to be any membership fees.
    So what does all this mean? Well it means next time the IMF or World Bank shows up at any Central Bank or President’s or Prime Minister’s door demanding anything, they have the full right to turn around and tell them we own you and you owe us x amount of dollars.”

  4. Seems some things are getting done.

  5. Why is it we've only heard Anna say that nukes are outdated as if they are nothing to be concerned about. If they are so ineffective and outdated and harmless, then what were those things we saw NK shooting into the air? Did they look ineffective and harmless.

    Why then were there so many guards and military guarding the underground weapons storage base that (apparently israel bombed)
    on sunday night, and all were killed along with many injured - -
    IF those bombs were worthless or ineffective. Why guard trash, then.
    Why is it nobody has previously come out and said they are geared to
    DOS and never been updated? Is this some of that information being obtained from those invisible 'galactics' again?
    Sorry, but some of us require way more than some word of mouth.

    1. Well one thing is for sure and since I worked for the county of Orange in Calif in the position of Hazardous waste specialist, I feel I can legitimately say that every thing hazardous, also comes with a corresponding "expiration date" that automatically puts them in the hazardous waste jurisdiction...meaning the cost to actually haul all these nukes away as hazardous waste, exceeded the initial cost of making them by a factor of 10..And that's if there was actually a site that would accept such waste...But there isnt.. all the waste now stored at these nuclear facilities, remain exactly where they are at because of that...!! But govt has so many agencies, that some of them are actually antagonistic to their agenda.. In other words, govt is feeding on itself to survive, which can only end in a confrontation..!!But you can bet the military isn t going to fork over the bill to get rid of Hazardous waste, rather than spend that money on building a new war plane or something else....But by now all these nukes are by law "unusable " waste...!! Which is a good reason to use them in order to avoid the cost of disposing of them....there is a tremendous reason and incentive , at least in the U.S., to use these nukes instead of disposing of them..

  6. Anna's right -- I've also heard for years from some of our, yes, galactic friends like the Pleiadians that ICBMs, "nukes," whatever you want to call them, have been uniformly disabled since 1989, and that that was the year the globalists came closest to blowing the planet up. But, then our star friends stepped in and said, "uh-uh," no way are we going to let a few madmen destroy this beautiful planet. So, everything Anna's been saying about the "Galactic Superstructure" rings true. It doesn't surprise me that Anna has a line on this information -- she's very in touch with higher spirituality and galactic geopolitics. You Doubting Thomases need to do a bit more homework on this level and corroborate for yourselves privately the Truth of the matter, rather than waste forum space here inflicting your ignorance on the rest of us. Bottom line? WWIII ain't happening, and the warmongering scum of the last century are being rounded up and herded off to reap the karma of their murderous, ecocidal actions.

    1. Chris, all I can say to your post, and all other references to those little demons y'all call galactics is.......Bullschitt. Just plain BS. Anyone who falls for such unvetted,unproven, crap and takes it for truth, is ripe and ready for the coming antichrist dictator. Good luck with all that, Lol.
      Proof, Chris, proof, where is your incontrovertible proof. I can give you proof as to why its all bullschitt, and its sad to see Anna drifting into such nonsense, and worse, trying to throw this bait out here to see if she can gain acceptance of it. I saw the first baited hook a couple or 3 wks. ago, and now here is her 2nd one.
      Anna you are losing credibility, and fast.

  7. Abby, you live in box for all your smartness.

  8. Please don't comment, we can agree to disagree, especially since you only ridicule those who don't fit your narrative.

    1. Nothing I say or have said is 'my own narrative'. Its all directly from the word of God, the bible. You are free to think whatever you like and you can have your own opinion. But this galactic stuff is derived from a very demonic realm. It is marketed to the unsuspecting masses under several different names: the Golden Age of Gaia; Gaian-ism; pleiadians. Though they don't claim to be a 'religion' they actually are, as they have their own belief system, at times mention ''god'' but never God and totally deny Jesus.
      Gaians/galactics think they are going to fix everything that is wrong with earth, turn it into utopia for everyone as they believe in ''oneness'' that is, 'we are all one'.

      So from what I've found out about 'galactics' is that they are just a bunch of people who all have taken on this 'belief system'' which also consists of some sort of beings of their belief system that are ''all out there by the millions just hanging out encompassing the earth, all ready to come rescue these little darlings and all mankind' and make our planet all hunky dorey, and 'all live happily ever after' Lol.

      Bottom line is ....this 'religion' they are marketing to gullible folks, is the exact opposite of what the bible says. They do not openly state it, but their agenda is to gently and casually lead people away from God, as they have all the perfect answers for making the world just exactly the way everyone wishes for it to be. In so doing, they make people think there is no need for any one true God, and Jesus just doesnt exist, they have it all figured out. It is the lure of satan and the entire 'belief' is originated BY satan himself. No one can serve two masters; no one can be a christian AND adhere to this stuff.
      Satan is a liar and a big deceiver; he comes to kill, to steal and to destroy. Let God be true, and every man a Liar.

      I live on the launching pad set for The Kingdom, where I will reign WITH The King of Kings for all eternity. A better question is, where do you live and what is your future/eternity. Where is your Contract, and who is it from since galactics don't have a face, but is more an Idea than anything real.

    2. Abby, I have nothing against believing in God,YESHUA,YAHUSHUA,JESUS, i have 7 different versions of the bible. Not one of them says exactly the same thing. Every time a new bible is printed words are added or left out or changed to the version of what a word means to the ones printing the new version. Even the King James Version tells you in the title (King James es version, version being the key.) That is the only version that he would allow printed, which had the Apocrypha in it. That has been taken out by the newer versions. So which version do you choose to believe? You take the words back to the original transcripts and they have different meanings than what we are taught today. 1 example (you must be born again) the transcripts says (you must be born from above)meaning you are a spirit that was born into this body to learn a spiritual lesson that you needed to learn.
      Jesus teachings have been so distorted by the same people or entities that we are fighting here today to reclaim your status back. I would guess that only 10% of his teachings are still being taught. Fear is taught in the bible for control over the masses. It states the Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom. Why would you have to fear a God that is suppose to love you. Why let a preacher teach you his interpretation of the bible. You study it like you are studying this information on reclaiming your status. I have read where one of the famous painters of old used one of the kings sons as the image of the painting that we use as the painting of Jesus. As long as we love everyone else as we want them to love us and pray to the most Holy God, Creator, Source of LIGHT, we will be just fine. The bible even says that God is Light, a consuming fire. But I do not try to force how I believe on anyone. My knowledge is from years of studying all the different versions of the bibles and the transcripts and listening to men that have studied the bibles and taken the study back to the original transcripts and 58 years of living life on this planet and a few words from the (galactic federation) just joking on last part. I think you have to be on a higher spiritual level to communicate with higher LIGHT beings than this 3d level.

    3. Hi Michael, its unusual to find anyone who has actually bothered to seriously study the bible. By now, you must know that it is people who took the bible and changed the words to suit themselves; I've noticed most of them have toned down the words they didn't like, lol.
      As soon as I noticed that, I determined not to go reading all their tripe, which is what it is. It won't change God's mind one bit.
      In any case, I wish to set the record straight, that honestly I've never learned a damned thing from any preacher or pastor, and I've never been a member of any of these 'churches' as they are all pretty much apostate; mostly wolves in sheeps clothing, lol.
      I also do not believe in ''Light beings' nor in 'Levels'. One is either dedicated or not; God speaks to people only when He has something we need to know. As long as I am moving along in the way I should go, He is pretty much silent.
      If you recall in scripture, he does not say he will always be talking to us, but that he will guide our footstep, light our path, guide us with his eyes. The reason being, it forces us to always be paying attention so we don't miss that 'directing'. I have learned that, when the talking was not an everyday thing and I wondered why. In other words He is letting us know ''its grow up time'' lol.
      These folks who talk about ''higher spiritual levels' are usually from that Gaia/galactic/pleidons (sp) bunch.....and in their seeking have beckoned that ''other spirit' and they are too gullible to realize it. But the way that I know that, is because of what they say, which is quite the opposite of what Gods Word says. And since I know what God says, and what His ways are, I easily recognize the little smooth talking Liar, lol.
      We know that it was the Apostles that were sent out to teach the word of God, and I often reflect on what they taught, what they said, their demeanor, and even what they did not say or do. Then I measure it against what I hear people saying and doing today. They sure as hell didn't speak about any 'light beings' or 'various levels' but they sure did warn against the wiles and sneaky ways of the devil, satan, demons, etc.
      ''satan comes as an angel of light'.

  9. Ok then. Now that you you have made your point over and over and over give it a rest we, know who you are and rest assured you will sit where you say.

  10. Oh wait you can't stop because it's your God given duty to shove your belief on every human,even if you have to do it to the same people over and over, how exhausting it must be for you.

  11. Maybe you should start your own web site if you feel so inspired,and save the world. Now that would be fulfilling your duty.

  12. I have a title for you, Dear Abby? Namastae.

  13. An no one is free to think as they like or have their own opinion, because you always have to inject your own.

  14. Again robert, I don't have any opinion of my own; I already told you it all comes directly from the word of God; if you have such a problem with that, then he is the one to go complain to. At least I don't try to hide behind what I believe and stand for, like you and many others who just throw out glib little words and hint, too cowardly to come out and just say you do not believe the bible and have contempt for the one true God, and adhere to some Gaia type 'religion'. So I will tell you again, think whatever you like, you notice I am not twisting anyone's arm, take it or leave it. It makes absolutely no difference to me whatsoever. But you cannot intimidate me nor can you shut me up with your little quips and digs toward me.

    1. "Again robert, I don't have any opinion of my own; I already told you it all comes directly from the word of God;" Abby

      Hmmmmm "channel" much? Wake up Abby!!!!

  15. I mean you no harm.(I know, I can't harm you, you wear God's shield of amour.) You might want to read your last paragraph over to your self many times. It's full of self assured ego, and doubt. All that magnanomous power in in an itty bitty living space,(your brain) that without a sound board to validate you assuredness just seems questionable.

  16. Dear, dear, the reason I don't come out and say I have contempt for the one true God,is because I don't, though you would prefer I did because you believe it so.It's a big plot to shut you up...right.I admit, I see what a terrible struggle it is for you to have to constantly defend yourself from all of us unbelievers, by all means come give your insight but just that, not your bible quotes and your"I am gonna sit on the almighty high. Just be a human. That in itself is a hard lesson in this world.

  17. And honey, you are full of opinions of your own. Don't hide hide behind your bible to defend your free use of your full opinions given regulary on here.

  18. The sadness about people like you Abby is you truly believe your bs. And everything you say others do is your own fear that you accuse them of.That is why I suggest you read over you present and past comments, it would be very enlightening for you eventually, cause no one else is buying it.What is the saying, thou protest too much.

  19. You are just full of contradictions, it's ok....that is the first Sign you are breaking free. You will see the light.

  20. Your are right I took a few cute digs at you, only to chip through your bs. And it's not like you haven't thrown some digs of your own during your journey here.Besides we are all people here, not demon worshippers.Questioning is good, it helps you know who you really are and who you are not.

  21. gee robert, you sound so jealous. You just can't figure out how I can be so assured of my position,can ya, lol.

  22. Jealous. Really that's all you got. Not in the least.

  23. You don't sound so sure to me at all, because if you were you wouldn't need to constantly go on about it.

  24. People that are sure, or at least have a satisfied idea of what they believe, have a silent confidence about themselves.

  25. So sure of your position? You said it yourself,you have opinions.Except a high and mighty one of yourself. Yeah no need to waste my thought on figuring that out. It is pretty obvious.

  26. I live on the launching pad set for The Kingdom, where I will reign WITH The King of Kings for all eternity.

    1. Say that enough and everyone around you will believe it.

  27. Drum roll please,wait let's add trumpets too!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I really thought this conversation was over way back when.

  30. Any spoken interpretation of the Bible in an "Opinion". To bad we can't just beat the Pirates with the Bible and fix everything. If we would all do Life
    my Aunts way everything would be right wit God, or so she says, so...

    Now can we please get on to something constructive? I read Anna's letters to gain information. If I don't believe something I look it up. I don't need someone posting, Anna is a Kook. we need each soul that is on this battlefield... Anna is not God, so don't treat her as such and just be thankful she is working hard to put this information out there for us.

    1. Annie, do you know what " " means? When you see those funny little marks, it means the very words OF the bible are being repeated verbatim. Now can you tell me how verbatim is the same as 'interpretation'? Instead of using that old worn out 'thats just your interpretation' excuse, why don't you just come out and say you have great disdain for what God's Word says.

  31. Dear God,please tell Abby to let it go. Taking your advice since you are too thick headed to get it. "if you have such a problem with that, then he is the one to go complain to" but highly doubt that will help either.

  32. Funny how people love to stir the pot, but then want to blame somebody else for the Stink they make, LOLOL

  33. Lots of dumb comments here...Let me join the ruckus of fannlemouths here😅

    "This is why Israel last week attacked Syria with nuclear weapons and thus left itself open to Russian retaliation, Pentagon sources say. Video of this nuclear attack is being systematically scrubbed from the Internet, but at the time of publication of this newsletter it could be seen here: "


  34. Huh- Anna Kim Jung Un and the many terrorist orgs that would pay for or act for either Iran or N.Korea= all would celebrate once a mushroom cloud came over America.
    True WE nor Putin are dumb enough to start nuclear war wise however there are 10's of thousands of nucs across the world in many nations that do work and might be purloined.
    Worse is biologic weaponry.
    So far Iranian leadershio is responsible for thousands of American servicemen's deaths via IED's artillery, rockets and small arms; so yes WE are in an undeclared war by them= more than just a rhetorical mantra.
    Agreed it all is a morass of misconstrued loyalties but innocent people by the millions can killed by such should the wrong people get their hands on genocidal instant death because there's those that would...

  35. Huh- Anna Kim Jung Un and the many terrorist orgs that would pay for or act for either Iran or N.Korea= all would celebrate once a mushroom cloud came over America.
    True WE nor Putin are dumb enough to start nuclear war wise however there are 10's of thousands of nucs across the world in many nations that do work and might be purloined.
    Worse is biologic weaponry.
    So far Iranian leadershio is responsible for thousands of American servicemen's deaths via IED's artillery, rockets and small arms; so yes WE are in an undeclared war by them= more than just a rhetorical mantra.
    Agreed it all is a morass of misconstrued loyalties but innocent people by the millions can killed by such should the wrong people get their hands on genocidal instant death because there's those that would...

  36. About 911 again...

  37. To Michael Kelli...i personally want to thank you for your wisdom and insite...if the "globalist" control our money, and govt, don't you think that they control the narrative of every single Bible, Toran, and every book of faith on earth, as well as all the law books, and history books too.. Because they control the publishing comp. who will do anything the govt wants just to stay in business....And I have personally scoured all the librarys, including law library's and seen where books where just plain missing because the library's were told to remove them. Then they are replaced by new ones with new narritives..!! I can't find one book on the "Writ of Error" which I know damn well can never be abolished...None of the Great Writs can be removed or cancelled or abolist..!! The Judiciary simply let every court call it what they want, which is usually "supervisory control"...!! Point being that if the control all the publishing companies you can bet they changed important things in all Bibles and every religious Books..!! What makes me mad as he'll is why we can't get together and sue our courts and judges for using traitorist law against just behooves my logical thinking...!! Are we all to be considered Gianni pigs for the masses and this or any other site that claims to know the TRUTH, but quite happy to let everyone else try it first....sorry, not this homey..!! Either we stand together or we don't stand at all..!! And before I do anything I want to personally meet everyone, face to face, like the old days before computers and the net came along..!! Does anyone have a problem with that..!! I'm sick of just being a voice in the darkness of the icon or user name without a face to see another face for real...!! Let's all meet, once and for all...including you judge Anna...!!

  38. I have seen ufos off & on for over 40 years. Last time was above parking lot near Lake Ann @ Temple of ECK in Chanhassen, Minnesota a few years back with 10 other ECKist... No one has a monopoly on truth.

    When u r ready....
    "Emery: And we did find the outlines of craft and also a large sarcophagi.

    David: So do you think these were giant humans of some kind?

    Emery: Yes. They are about 30'~33' tall."


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