Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Truth About Governments -- Including Ours: Public Notice 3.0

By Anna Von Reitz

For brevity, I shall just present information as simple numbered points.

1.  All governments are created by men.

2. As the creators of government, we are all responsible for them and how they function.

3. If a government breaks down, malfunctions, ceases to do what it is designed to do, the only possible result is: (1) it ceases to exist; (2) it morphs into something else; (3) it gets fixed.

No doubt there are some people reading this who have never stopped to think about "government" as a subject in and of itself, and to them, all the above will be surprising.  They have taken government for granted as a given --- good or bad --- and have passively accepted it as something above and beyond themselves, outside their control, and most of all, not their responsibility.