Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Importance of Sand

Anna Von Reitz

Four decades ago, I became aware of the fact that huge underwater volcanic eruptions were breaking out along both the Mid-Atlantic and Pacific Ridges. Of course, we don't see these volcanic eruptions until and unless the results build up an island that breaks the surface of the water. Most of the rock just piles up on the sea floor as lava and basalt pillars interspersed with "volcanic jets"--- super heated water columns that are like the ocean equivalent of the pressure valve on a pressure cooker.

What ho? Is the Earth expanding its girth all of a sudden, I asked, all along both mid-ocean ridges? Why?

Suddenly, like the light dawning, we have a reasonable, practical, profit-driven reason for both the mid-ocean eruptions and all the other odd things that are happening--- the whole global warming song and dance, the climate change hysteria, the Paris Accords seeking to tax us as if we were the guilty parties---and all the other rot--- finally! Simply explained and exposed:

This is it, folks. This is "the" explanation for all of it. 
They have mined so much sand out of the sea bed that it is upsetting the whole balance of nature. And they want to hide this fact, so that they can continue to mine sand for free and make obscene profits--- at the expense of life on Earth.

Now you know and you can tell your neighbors. I have been waiting forty years for an explanation that made sense, and now at last we have it.

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  1. Replies
    1. I don't buy it either... i think it's a ploy to get the government to control everything... because, think about it, what comes next? A plea for the government to control it. That gives our power away, yet again. This is b.s. Besides, desert sand is perfect for making glass... why doesn't anyone banging that drum ever mention that?

    2. wow there it is!! Whhat legths they go to for money!!! Sicko

  2. Look at the mural in Denver airport like the Georgia guide stones Thair plan in plain site.500,000,000.population cap.

    1. The only way that can happen is if corporations are totally run by robots or androids. 500 million people cannot sustain the entire planet, unless they plan on getting rid of some countries altogether.

  3. There are two big takeaways from this. 1) Global warming is a total scam just like the "war on terror" that justifies a totally endless stream of government spending into the hands of the global power brokers. 2) Greed and the profit motive are insatiable. Just like we have done with trees, buffalo, fish in the sea and numerous other resources, we will use and consume sand until there is none left that can be pillaged economically.

  4. They are mining sand around smaller islands so the inland sand and earth will erode back down into the ocean and they can show images that these Island are sinking to prove water is rising and further promote the agenda.

  5. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is making islands in the artistic form of palm trees, using the same sand from the bottom of the ocean, in the tons just to put expensive houses on it so every house has an ocean view, and boating docks. They are the undisputed Kings of materialistic waste. The environment means nothing to them when it comes to proving their wealth and displaying to the whole world....sick basterds. Did you know that an American can't even live there, even if they buy real estate have to rent it to the local Saudis...!!! I think you can stay 3 months out of the year there...but that's it..!! But they can buy anything here and live in comfort or unhassled. That's why they all walk around like Kings...wicked!!!!

    1. Most countries have a 90 day visit limitation in a 180 day time frame for non-citizens. I suggest you research issues before making posts! Oh yes...and use spell check and grammar check!!!!!!!

    2. I removed spell check because it was causing more trouble than helping, replaceing the word completely and installing another one in its place. So i would rather live with a few unspelled words. At least i dont use so called proper english as intentional semantic come not one university english teacher never notices that all their mail comes with there name in all capital letters...You know how many times ive heard from english teachers that proper nouns are never represented in capital letters. How come they dont even nktice the difference between state and STATE. Why dont you correct all english classes in America and the imbicil teachers teaching it...!! If i really wanted to communicate with govt. I would break every rule of so called correct grammital English.. For your info, uncorrupted latin never used capital letters. They only used lower case lettering as did all upper class Romans did. Anyone using anything but lower case lettering was considered uneducated and lower class citizens. Yes, i make a lot of mistakes, but i didnt realize i was being "graded". Im a science major, not a journalist..!!! And every single English professor walked around as pompus arogant assholes that think they are more important than scientist that actually contribute something useful to society like saving lives. I never had one that ever realized the semantic deceite that surronds their everyday lives and brought it to our attention...And i could use speech to text if i wanted, but i dont live alone, so i keep all my messages private so i dont get in arguements with people around me... just like my pompus english teachers, you point out slight grammitical errors, but you miss the actual content of the message..go teach an english class. Maybe you can tell your students how our language is being purposely misused against us...because every english i know off is completely clueless, and actually contributing to the fraud because of their ignorance about the narritive. But hey, they all know how to spell, right...!!!

    3. One more think jack. I have done my homework, and i was a millionaire at one time and planning on buying property in Dubui. But after reading the restrictions for Americans for property i said no way....they have a 90 day stay period, and thats it. Your 180 non citizen stay isnot in effect in Dubui...sorry, but do your research...!!!

  6. I am simply speechless,, this is very upsetting to now understand and see what and why..

  7. There is ZERO evidence provided...ZERO so, why do you JUMP to the conclusion that this has any merit whatsoever? No expert testimony and no science provided...ZERO, NADA, ZILCH! Sounds like more disinfo like the flat Earth idiots!

    1. I have to agree with Jack Hamilton. A wild theory without scientific evidence to back it up, just "stuff that sounds like it must be true." Raises dozens of questions which are glossed over; like flat earth theory, it does not form a hypothesis which provides a simpler answer than previous ones, but adds new ones which contradict previously-established facts.

    2. Jack Hamelton. Come here and trash ever thing like your the boss everyone contributes, you question it make a case .other you sound like you came here it disrupt.and this Jay Spencer says nothing no body gives credence to the flat earth theory . What have you brought to the table zero Nana zilch .

  8. I Don't like to argue I like understanding and we trace back the origin or the crimes like a good researcher .
    So precious few can talk authoritative on the real history not the text book version . There is a lot of brilliant mind's that being pieces together Micheal E. Jones , professor James Fetzer ,Ron Class,but all these brilliant men have bits and pieces of the huge picture of history.
    We are on the verge of another boloshivic revolution the communist flags are coming out the education system is full of them .
    The inner net is being blocked if your a far right's moving to the courts
    We have a common law superior court up and running on our own dime.but the feds attack us on frivolous charges we can't lock them up. But the battle is young.

  9. What's the truth behind the ads for "cash back to patriots program" claims President Trump has trillions being given back to americans, is that our share of money from the queen and popes stealing our gold or a trick to continue to enslave us?

    1. Ive been receiving the same ads. Im very lery about it. So i googled if it is a scam, and most of the sites say that it is valid. But its not just for patriots. The ad says that anyone can receive extra payments to their Social Security because these funds come from private parties and not govt. and therefore has no taxing authority... But i wouldnt believe anything that sounds so good. And one more thing. The guy that is promoting it spent 5 years in federal prison for fraud. He was a superstar in wall street by age 30. He is smart, but he wants you to buy his books that explain how its done, which too me means he wants no "liability". Just be careful of anyone offering money in just minutes...."cavet emptor"..!!

  10. How much of this sea bed sand is being mined? How does its weight compare to the total weight of sand and rocks above the magma? It's gotta be miniscule. The ocean is awfully big. I don't think that has any significant effect on volcanic eruptions. It's an idea but the numbers just aren't there.

    1. Correction: how much sand had we mined prior to forty years ago?

  11. This idea, or semi-idea, of "upsetting the whole balance of nature" shows foggy thinking, and probably a lack of understanding of the physical effects that are going on, or not going on. Lava is under pressure because of the weight of rock (and sand and water) on top of it? Reduce the weight on top of it, and the pressure will go...down. Why would this cause eruption?


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