Saturday, September 16, 2017

So you don't believe in Chem Trails? Watch this.

Found here:

What are they spraying?

Please comment.


  1. This may be a new upload but it is an old video. I saw it back in 2015. If you want the real truth about chemtrails, HARRP, and much more WITH PROOF go to here:
    Please note, I am not affiliated with this website or the reseacher in any way.

  2. Yes, in this period I was living in Mohave County, Arizona, the far northwest corner of the state. There and in adjacent Nevada and California the skies were criss-crossed several times a week. People were tested for heavy metal in their bodies as well as in well water and many illnesses developed as a result of the chem-trails.

  3. they are everywhere in DC as well, crazy; i ask people if they see them and they say see what? they dont even look up especially children, WOW

  4. I just returned to the USA from living in Odessa, Ukraine for 1.5 years and chemtrails were seen frequently in the sky there. I talked about it to people and none had ever heard of chemtrails!

  5. Unbelievable..
    i just noticed these clouds 2 years ago and then an associate, confirmed them, as well as my 25 year old son also matched confirmation to these curiosities.

    And the damages these clouds are doing is appalling..

  6. I watched a documentary made I think in the 70's. The son of the inventor explained how HARP fits in to the modification. Not only Alaska has HARP but a band around both north and south of the planet, Russia has some large mushroom looking towers. His father envisioned it to help crops, do good things with. At night the ionosphere lowers and makes a better bounce of low frequency radio waves that also seems to be a part of the geo engineering. A more metallic ionosphere enhances the effect. For there to be clouds there has to be particles the moisture forms on. One other video somewhere on you tube showed where coal electricity generating plants have a product called "Aerial Slurry" that contains large amounts of Aluminum and Barium. It costs a lot of dispose of it. The train tracks show in the satellite to go from the coal electric plants right to airfields where the planes are. You gotta wonder where do they get all the chemicals from? Mining? The ocean? Electric coal plants? I lived by such a plant and they are huge, look like nuclear plants and the local area people were upset due to nasty particles in the air around the plant. Does not make sense to heat up the planet to cool it off. Just like big pharma, if only 5000 people die from a drug that billons of doses have been circulated, a relatively few people sacrificed is condoned as OK. Killing for the public good?

  7. The actual name for these trails, according to the air force is "stratisferic dispersial"... so they know they are doing it, but one thing about the military, if a pilot is ordered to do something, it isnt necessary to tell the pilot why he is doing it or for what reason...!! People in the military follow orders and thats it..!! If they dont, people may die and thats why they are drilled so heavily.. But that same training can be used to do exactly that under unscuptual commanders. Because they know that most people in the military will do the right thing if ordered to do something that would affect the public at large which they thought the military was in place for in the first place...!!! Some leople say they are nanoparticles, others say they are charging the sky like a TV for "project blue beam" which can create a 3D image of anything in the sky they want to and make people believe it is real. But no matter what its for, it isnt good for the environment or us.. !! I just saw on the internet recently where president Trump stopped the chemtrail spraying... I havent seen any lately in the sky, so maybe he did stop it..!!

  8. And of course all the geniuses out there, the lay public, think the only represent vapor trails...RIGHT!! Vapor trails a hundrend miles long... Everyone wants to feel like they know more than they do, especially those that never went passed high school...they all talk like professionals in every field. Its amazing how much people want attention, and the need to feel important. Even to the extent of lying...!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I saw that Video and thought of putting my thoughts and energy to something good like good people who are doing good things to stop them to put them out of business. Love and light to all.

  11. yes. 1978 there were pictures back "then". One example is in a Robert DiNero movie the deer Hunter. they actually talked about the sun dog sunbow and how much better the hunting was according to the Indians?.

  12. but that does not mean I do not understand the new "contrails"
    read: "con"


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