Thursday, August 3, 2017

For the Babies

By Anna Von Reitz

I get numerous pleas from desperate new parents wishing to establish their claim to their own children.  This is a measure of just how crazy and depraved things have gotten.  You can't even assume your parental rights because these crazy out of control corporations are claiming to own you and your children as "products" of "licensed activity".

This is one way to challenge and stop it.  Whenever any "State of______" or "County of __________" organization offers to interfere with you or your family, you should immediately raise a "moral objection" to their presumptions and read them the riot act with a certified copy of a recorded (not registered) action such as the example below --- firmly in hand. 

What these judges and so-called "public prosecutors" are doing in so-called Family Courts is nothing less than kidnapping for profit.  Shut them down. Make sure new parents get this information and know how to use it.  And remember to inform your clergymen that nobody in this country needs a "marriage license" --- only a proof of Marriage Covenant.  Marriage licenses were created in the wake of the Civil War and imposed on former plantation slaves who had to prove they could support children before they were allowed to marry. This kind of subjugation was possible because they were considered "US citizens" and bound to do whatever the Congress told them to do.


  1. What happened to this bounty hunter thing that was supposed to come out 2 years ago?

  2. Wow..
    Unbelievable,this has to stop! ✋

  3. A A....that would be Rod Class. He is headed to the Supreme Court in Sept. if i remember what judge Anna said...!!! It hasnt been resolved yet. But with this new info, it should be over. Do you still talk to him Anna..??

  4. How would you suggest structuring this when I am not married and the mother abandoned her parental rights in South Africa where our daughter was taken by the infamous forced adoption industry .I need to establish this then require them to restore my property my daughter still has my name on their fraudulent birth certificate .

  5. Indeed. This is for the children.

    Thank you for this information. My grandchildren will live free from color of law cabal slavery systems even though my children and self are not yet free from these crime syndicates.

  6. Bravo! - The "deed-claim-and-copyright-for-babies.pdf" is excellent! (Almost makes me want to have more children. ; ~ )

  7. My son was born on our bedroom floor in March of 2015 and to this day does not have birth cert, record or exist in their system. I went to file this document yesterday at the county recorder in Fort Smith Arkansas. They would not do it because they did not understand or recognize it so sent me to the circuit court. After speaking at length with the head clerk there she agreed to file it into the misc. file. I then went back to the County Recorder to discuss the situation further. They were nice enough just not aware of what is going on. They did finally agreed to file it under property deeds if I would list some property I had in the county. I added a property list to the cover sheet under the Grantee, and listed vehicles, land, and ounces of silver. They then filed it for me and it is now a part of the public record. I add this info to the blog for the folks that are truly taking control of their own status and that of their children. I have dealt with county recorders in california and wyoming also. They ONLY deal with real estate aka property. The documents must in some way conform to their limitations for them to record them. A simple property list is all it took as well as the understanding of their limitations. Hope this helps those actually following through. I also want to thank Anna immensely for all she does. I do not know another man or woman on this planet that I would actually go vote for to be president, but I would go vote for you. May All the blessings of devine love and pure golden light of the holy infinite creator be bestowed upon you and your mission!!!


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