Saturday, October 29, 2016

An Open Letter to General Dunford - From Anna Von Reitz

October 29, 2016

Dear Sir:

It is apparent from reading your open letter to our military personnel that you are acting under some common misconceptions. 

The word "citizen" has a legal definition and you need to take note of it.  Citizens of all kinds are obligated to serve the government.  While employed in military service, all personnel function as "citizens of the United States" and are de facto slaves under the municipal law of the foreign, independent international city state of Washington, DC which is run as a plenary oligarchy of the members of the United States Congress.

However, that same "Congress" is under contract and obligation to our states occupying the land jurisdiction of this country and by subrogation to us--- and so are you.

Federal civilian employees and federal dependents also function as citizens--- "United States Citizens". 

Such citizens are all British Subjects and part of the democracy adopted by the United States of America (Minor)---- a "union" of "American states" comprised of the "State of New Columbia" and the so-called Insular States, including Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the "State of State" franchises, sometimes called "inchoate states", such as the "State of Florida".

Clarification of What Happened to Our Government

By Anna Von Reitz

No, neither the corporations running the District of Columbia nor those running the Washington, DC Municipal City State have any power to replace or mess with our government.  They are both foreign governments under contract to our fifty state governments to provide certain stipulated and enumerated (19) services described as "powers" in the original Constitution.  Nothing more or less.

The only way it is enabled to replace our government in any way is if we fail to operate our own government ourselves. That is to a large extent what has happened.  We mistook their government for our government because the state and county organizations that were operating our government all decided to incorporate as franchises of the federal corporation in order to get kick-backs known as "Federal Block Grants".