Thursday, August 11, 2016

Toward A More Complete Understanding

by Anna Von Reitz

It is important for everyone to understand that we are engaged in a process--- a learning and fact-finding and research and legal process that is ongoing.  Every day we learn more.  Every day we connect dots that we didn't know about before.

This necessarily gives the impression of two steps forward and one step back, because that is what it is.  It's a process of discovery.  We don't have a road map.  We are obliged to go down many rabbit holes to find out where they go and if they connect and precisely how they connect. 

In most cases the path isn't just complex.  It has been deliberately obscured to make it difficult and even nigh-unto impossible to unravel.  There are cinch points in this process that resemble a tangled ball of yarn or a knotted necklace chain.  It takes time, diligence, knowledge, and sometimes great perseverance to move past these points.

The Two Are Not Two. They Are One.

by Anna Von Reitz

There are two factions--- the UNITED STATES and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA --- fronted by two competing international banking cartels, the primarily French-based IMF and the British/German/American Federal Reserve.  They have both been preying upon us, innocent Third Parties, and plundering our country in the process.  It is key to understand this.

It is also key to understand that these banks, no matter where they were chartered in the world, are all ultimately linked through the Vatican Bank--- so at the end of the day, what appear to be two conflicting forces are in fact one---- like two fists slamming you from different directions, but all emanating out of one central power base. Similar to the apparent fight between the "Democrats" and "Republicans", it is all for show and leads to the same results.  It is the actual modus operandi of these manipulators to always present "a pillar" and "a post" and keep us running back and forth between them for their own profit.

Reply to Karen Hudes --- Again, Date Stamped August 10, 2016

by Anna Von Reitz

In her latest fanciful story, Karen Hudes has me as the mastermind behind hacking her computer and "trying to steal the global collateral accounts".

I am sure that all those who have helped me solve computer problems over the years are having a really, really good laugh.

And anyone who knows the actual situation is having a good bellow, too. 

What's that, Karen?  I am trying to steal the global collateral accounts back from the people who stole them from the rest of us in the first place?  Wahoo?

From England Where All This Crappola Began --- The Word Goes Forth

by Anna Von Reitz

The word from England this morning is that in the heart of every foreclosure there is an improper "re-conveyancing".
Ah, so.... normally when land or houses or other movable property attached to land is transferred, there are "transfer taxes" involved, but when there are trusts involved, this is called a "re-conveyance" instead of a transfer. Hmmm.... so, when your home mortgage was "re-conveyed" after you paid it all off, who told you that a trust was involved?
Clearly, if there was ever an actual mortgage between you and the purported lender, it would be a transfer of the mortgage cancellation, not a re-conveyance of property involved when the debt was paid off.
Just as we have been telling you, the "THING" that holds the mortgage to your house isn't you. It's an ACCOUNT operated as a trust, with the Vatican holding the equitable title (they get the cream) and "MR. NOBODY" --- your NAME in DOG-LATIN ---is left holding the legal title.
No wonder the banks come in and claim that all the funds you deposit each month in the escrow account that they secretively created in YOUR NAME are "abandoned funds". After all, you failed to show up and collect them, didn't you?

The Once and Future Story--- and One Simple Correction

by Anna Von Reitz

The Pope, in his Sacred Office, offers salvation, redemption, and forgiveness, but in his Secular Office as Roman Pontiff, he acts as the Snake, offering the "apple"---- now called "social benefits" ----and as usual with Satan, the deal wasn't fully or honestly disclosed. Nobody said a word about the "civil death" that would result.

So, your Mother--- still reeling from childbirth, clueless, trusting, signed the paperwork selling you into slavery and making you a ward of the state and leaving the rats free to assume that your Father, though named, didn't claim you as a son and that she, herself, your Mother, was just an "Informant" talking about what? 

Some baby she found on her doorstep?