Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Today's Missoulian about the Oregon situation

My opinion on the matter is that when a man or woman takes an Oath to uphold The Constitution, they must uphold it or be exposed as Oath-breakers instead of Oathkeepers.

The Jurisdiction of the Land owed to the People of the Oregon State is being violated by federal over-reach and that is a violation of The Constitution and the Law of the Land in general.  The longevity of the mis-administration and fraud committed against the western states by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation and now, by its United Nations Trustees in receivership, in no way affects the standing and the political status of those men who have taken over the BLM facilities in protest of armed acts of "criminal aggression" in the words of the Nuremburg Trial, perpetuated by employees of the "Bureau of Land Management" which is nothing but a trademarked name acquired by the IMF as part of its deal with the entirely criminal and fraudulent Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration at Bretton Woods.

Read that as--- the "Bureau of Land Management" is precisely the same as a company name like "Stanley Tools" or "Kentucky Fried Chicken" that has been acquired by backdoor deals among private, mostly foreign-owned banking cartels in the business of providing "governmental services", and then "traded upon".  The sharks come in, buy a recognized brand name like "Stanley Tools" which has enjoyed a good reputation for many years, and then start producing cheap knock offs that they sell at premium prices to the unsuspecting public, which is never made aware of the change of ownership and administration of the company and the brand.

In the same way the "governmental services organizations" have changed ownership and management and even the law under which they operate, all without telling the public a word about it, and thus defrauding the people they are supposedly serving.

Some great points from KrisAnne Hall, but what did she miss?

What is not said here will fill volumes but the main point we would like to bring out is that those who claim to be our federal government are NOT, including the BLM. They are a for profit, mostly foreign owned corporate entity masquerading as our federal government.
If you can't understand that this is true you need to read the following about the Oregon situation from Judge Anna Von Reitz of Big Lake Alaska.