Friday, October 7, 2016

Answer Regarding Confusion

By Anna Von Reitz

In answer to the confusion over the apparent layers of "government" it is easiest to visualize in terms of jurisdictions instead of "territories"----which can mean many things. 

The federal corporation(s) received a delegation of our authority to provide certain (19) services to our states of the Union and they have usurped their delegated jurisdiction over on top of ours in contravention of our agreements with them and they have claimed falsely that we knew about this and agreed to it. 

Each state of the Union is also a nation (national = land jurisdiction = public ) and a state (international = sea jurisdiction = private) as well as having its part of the global jurisdiction of the air.

So, for example the state of new york has air, land, and sea jurisdictions associated with it. 

Under the Constitution agreement our states retained ALL jurisdiction on the land, retained some of their international jurisdiction on the sea, and delegated some to the "federal government" which is in fact a British-controlled corporation in the business of providing governmental services. 

Congress has meddled and futzed around with this foreign corporate entity in various ways to create multiple corporations doing various things within the District of Columbia, such as making the city of Washington a separate international city-state with its own separate municipal government and running it as an oligarchy.

All that makes it more confusing from the federal side, but from our side it is a simple "us"--- the Americans and American states and "them"--- the federal corporations operating out of the District of Columbia.

Please note that all the land jurisdiction is ours and that our counties and states are described as land parcels with physical borders.  These are the actual counties and states which are owed their own county and state governments.

But back in the 1950's and 60's "thanks" largely to finagling by J.D. Rockefeller, the then-State and County organizations were seduced into agreeing to incorporate as franchises of the federal parent corporation in order to receive their "fair share" of federal racketeering kick-backs, euphemistically called "Federal Block Grants".  When they did this, they came under the more or less direct control of the federal corporation and the Checks and Balances that are supposed to be built into our government system were destroyed.  The foreign British-controlled federal corporation now had de facto control of our government and had basically purchased its position by illegally pillaging and plundering the American people and then bribing and buying off the state and county organizations by giving them a share of the profits.

When those then-operating organizations incorporated under the auspices of the "federal government" corporation, they started operating in its sphere--- that is, in private international jurisdiction--- and our public state and county governments were "vacated".  It doesn't mean that they were destroyed or ceased to exist, simply that the people we elected and trusted to represent us went to work for different masters without telling us.

The result is that our lawful government on the land was deserted and nobody was any longer directly responsible for enforcing the organic and public law of this country.  All the then- Sheriffs went from being peacekeepers (enforcing the law of the land) to being law enforcement officials (responsible for enforcing corporate codes, regulations, and statutes).

The heart of this conundrum was addressed by Sheriff Richard Mack in Mack and Prinz v. USA, in which the Supreme Court decided that an elected county sheriff under this new system COULD at his own volition (and according to his own judgment, not as a job duty) CHOOSE to enforce the Constitution.  But obviously, a sheriff who enforced the limits of the Constitution against the federal corporation was not likely to remain a "sheriff" in this system for long, wouldn't get corporate bonuses, etc., so fewer and fewer of these men chose to do their public duty even though Sheriff Mack cleared the way and made it "official" that they could do so. 

Over time as people have become more ignorant and more inured to these abuses, the acceptance of federal supremacy in areas that are not rightfully delegated to the federal government has grown until we have been living with ever-increasing racketeering by this foreign corporation. 

Obummercare is a good example.  The federal corporation moved to take over the entire Health Industry sector of our economy worth hundreds of billions of dollars annually and because people ignorantly assumed that this "thing" headquartered in DC had authority to do this, the rats used our ignorance to their advantage.

Because they bought off our legitimate state and county governments decades ago, they were unopposed. They could do virtually anything they wanted to do with the resources of this country and to the people of this country, because their fraud and deceit had been accomplished without the People knowing.

And then, we began waking up.....we realized that what was posing as our country government wasn't acting as our county government, and the same with the state governments.  They didn't answer to the people anymore, they answered to the "federal government"---- to the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, to be exact, and to the UNITED STATES, INC., and so on. 

Foreign investors were coming in and buying up whatever parts and pieces of our "government" that they wished to buy and running things however they pleased as privatized subcontractors.  The Federal Reserve Banks literally bought the entire court system and used it to collect whatever phony debts the banks and politicians cared to foist off on people.

And the rats in Washington, DC-- the members of Congress and the various "Presidents" --sat on their rumps and let this go on and profited from it for six (6) generations while singing "Yankee Doodle Dandy". 

So now the UNITED STATES, INC. fronted by the French-sponsored International Monetary Fund is being liquidated by the GCR Committee, which also recently took over the Vatican Bank, and heads are rolling in DC, but this is just a another changing of management over the federal corporation(s). 

We are the actual Priority Creditors of all the federal, state, county, city, and other corporate entities involved in this fiasco.

And we are also the actual beneficiaries and comptrollers responsible for the land jurisdiction of this country and its rightful government. 

So that is why our actual legitimate unincorporated Jural Assemblies are meeting in every state and being set up in every county and that is also why American Common Law Courts ---- not Martial Common Law Courts---- are being restored across the nation.  That's why nine million Americans have stepped forward to serve as Continental Marshals --- what used to be called "Federal Marshals"--- to enforce the public and organic law of this nation.

The Great Fraud that began in 1860 is at an end.  And all I can say to all of you is: (1) step up and grab an oar, declare and record the fact that you don't choose to be a "United States Citizen" nor act as a "citizen of the United States" and that you instead claim your birthright as an American State National; (2) get busy setting up your own county Jural Assemblies, electing your own Public Sheriff to enforce the Constitution and the Public Law of the Land, elect your own judges, court clerks, and set up your jury pools; (3) give notice to those who have been impersonating your lawful public officials while in fact occupying private corporate offices instead--- let them know that they don't represent you and that they are not agents of any American government and have no local authority; (4) spread the word and let it be heard around the world. 

The "United States" is not America and it never has been. 

The various foreign corporate entities ensconced in the District of Columbia were supposed to be providing nineteen well-defined governmental services under contract --- nothing more or less --- but over time, they usurped against their employers and established a lawless and pernicious and parasitic corporate counter-culture devoted to nothing beyond their own enrichment at any cost. 

Now they are being de-funded and the odious debts they racked up against the American People are being repudiated and many changes are being made to clean up the operations and replace the management of these venal organizations---- but it remains to you, the actual American People, to get up on your hind legs and do the job of "self-governance" and to learn your own history as a nation and to defend your nation against such fraud and usurpation.

Even the Great Sacred Cow, the actual Constitution, must be addressed and addressed intelligently in days to come. The Constitution made sense when it was adopted 227 years ago, but it allowed Britain to control American currency, American investment, American Trade Policy, and American Foreign Policy---- in exchange for Britain to act as our Trustee in these matters and to protect our "shipping"--- our "commerce"--- in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

Britain betrayed our trust and sought to mischaracterize us as its own employees and subjects instead of honoring our birthright identity as Americans and these false Trustees then additionally acted as Executors de Son Torte to pillage and plunder and attack our innocent and unsuspecting people through the agency of the "American Bar Association" and its members.  Thus, they did not honor their part of the Constitutional Agreement and are owed no consideration from us. In fact, we are owed damages that Britain can never repay or repair. 

Since 1946, the French Government has also gotten into the act and interfered with our lawful government and undermined our traditions and practiced self-interested fraud against us. 

The time has come for us to act with very clear-eyed vision and purpose.  There is no reason that we should be delegating any of our authority or any part of our responsibility to any foreign entity or corporation whatsoever.  We are fully competent and able to provide all of our own governmental services and have been so enabled for at least 175 years.  The Constitution as we have known it must ultimately and intelligently be dismantled and a new basis for our self-government must be established so that Americans have control of all jurisdictions, air, land, and sea, related to us and our country.

This will not be an easy or instant process, but it is one that must be recognized and engaged in honestly and wisely.

Those of us who have observed these evils and studied the history must teach others and each of the men and women who now step forward to act in favor of their local counties and states must do so with no thought of their own self-interest.  They must act as Fiduciary Deputies, fully accountable for all their actions and inactions. 

Only by accepting the responsibility of self-governance can we earn the peace and the prosperity we are heir to.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website

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  1. I think a good starting point is how Lincoln changed jurisdiction acting like a dictator.
    you can argue about lawful money .and usurping our rights .but it all pails to the change of law.

    1. Potus Buchanan handed Lincoln a bankrupt America that his Secretary of War had moved all the northern military armament he could secretly to the south in anticipation of secession and a war with the north.
      ie-Lincoln was screwed and moreover the Banksters tried to assassinate him before he was inaugarated- tho they did get him before any lasting treaty or honest assimilation of the south could be done.
      The rest is convoluted history.
      He both needed and feared the Banksters.
      Amdrew Jackson fought the Banksters to a standstill.
      However one man can't turn it around by himself.
      It's easier to stay comfortably asleep- amd is why Hitler called the Amerocan public- " The sleeping giant".
      For if WE ever awoke we'd be unstoppable in any way WE chose to ~!

    2. Potus Buchanan handed Lincoln a bankrupt America that his Secretary of War had moved all the northern military armament he could secretly to the south in anticipation of secession and a war with the north.
      ie-Lincoln was screwed and moreover the Banksters tried to assassinate him before he was inaugarated- tho they did get him before any lasting treaty or honest assimilation of the south could be done.
      The rest is convoluted history.
      He both needed and feared the Banksters.
      Amdrew Jackson fought the Banksters to a standstill.
      However one man can't turn it around by himself.
      It's easier to stay comfortably asleep- amd is why Hitler called the Amerocan public- " The sleeping giant".
      For if WE ever awoke we'd be unstoppable in any way WE chose to ~!

  2. Anna,
    Sooner or later you are going to have to address the problem of how to fund these duties,offices,rent,salaries,supplies and a host of other expenses. Not to mention voting and it's related expenses. One cannot build a government without an income.
    I do not rebuke you in any way as I believe you are almost an angle from heaven, and the bravest person I have ever heard of, but the vast majority are stone cold ignorant of all this and sure as heck will not support it with their dwindling income. To them one government is more than enough!!!! You have told us what happened and what to do about it, now tell us how to finance it.

    1. Olddog Hi... There are things happening right now that MAY finance us in the very near future. That is all I can say. Sorry I can't say how.

    2. From Anna:

      It is really easy for us to fund. We are the Priority Creditors. We already own everything and we own the profits, too. It's the shell companies that are bankrupt. Not the American States. Not the American People.

      Put another way--the "United States,Inc." is bankrupt, but we aren't.

      Just watch and see what happens. We have raised our hands and nobody can say our land or any other assets of ours are "abandoned".

      The assets and the actual money all belong to us.

    3. Indeed. We, our labor, is the ultimate value of all things along with the natural resources of our nation states.

  3. At least you have finally come to the conclusion that the original constitution is outdated and no longer in need of those outdated 19 delagated authorities or DC. That contract was written at a time when the population density of America was a small fraction of what it is today and without the technology we have today available to every state. I cant think of one contract(including constitutions) that eventually become obsolete without changeing or updating them as society evolves through time. As soon as a contract is breached the contract is breached, especially between the Govt. and the people, even once, the contract becomes invalid immediately, and a new one formed. But until we can form contracts that people plan to honor with just a handshake, in good faith and with clean hands, nothing will ever change because a contract is nothing more than a oral agreement made in good faith, reduced to a handwritten one to remind people with short term memory what they agreed upon in the first place. In the final analasis, no one can legislate "honesty" anymore than they can legislate "morality". That couldnt even be achieved when only 4 people total was on the planet...Adam, Eve, Caine, and Able. And still Caine killed his brother. If we cant trust peoples "word" as their "BOND" , reducing it to writting wont accomplish anything except more fighting in court. It wont take long before we wind up in the same situation we are in now. I agree that a return to an asset based currency is a good start, but unless our children are taught about law and money and the following generations after that, people will always resort to clever ways of taking advantage of their brothers through systems they dont understand. Its time to start praying about it.

  4. Problem with a Convention of States is Congress gets to oversee it.
    Moreover liberal/propressivez, socialist statists outright commu nists would want there say. So changing tbe Constitution is playing with fire and gasoline.
    This was their nation they fought and won and their rules ARE the foundations of OUR nation resting on OUR wise 3-Founding documents.

    Minor changes only by consensous can be considered;
    like the VP election and nixing most of the illegal
    Amendment's or at least their confusing language and meaning the crooked "legialsting from the bench" scotus has done ~!

  5. I realize that I must sound like a broken record, and that Anna may think I'm being critical, but I'm not when I ask the following. I appreciate all she is doing, and if I could just get the information, would jump in as best as I can.

    1. I don't doubt that UNITED STATES, INC. and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are bankrupt, but ask where can we get proof of this for ourselves so we can use it? It's certainly not available using a web search, at least I can't find it.

    2. Anna says that unincorporated Jural Assemblies are meeting in every state and being set up in every county and that is also why American Common Law Courts ---- not Martial Common Law Courts---- are being restored across the nation. Why can't we get more information as to where this is happening? I'd like to contact the ones in Wisconsin if I had a way to do that.

    3. Anna says that nine million Americans have stepped forward to serve as Continental Marshals --- what used to be called "Federal Marshals"--- to enforce the public and organic law of this nation. That's almost 3% of the population and yet I know none and don't know anyone else who does either. Where are these people? I'd like to touch base.

    If Anna has one fault, and we all have many, it's that she hooks us with all of this good information, then we are left hanging. PLEASE Anna, help us network. Do any of these nine million marshals know one another or are they loners, and if that's so, how can they be effective?

    I hope you don't get upset over this Anna, but we all need to know how to interact TOGETHER, not separately. I don't know one man of woman who would work with me on setting up a lawful county government, but if you know of others in Wisconsin, I would work with them.


    1. Listen to the marshals call it's the militia that have the numbers and it has the potential of 9 million estimating 50%of members volunteer . Source marshal Hayworth also a general in the militia.

  6. Greetings,I to agree and require this info on those who are setting up courts mine in Washington Seattle please have Anna respond
    Regards Ray

  7. Yes I agree with One way and Margy in the masonic controlled county I stay in I would LOVE to unseat al the evil jack asses BUT there needs to be more then me I tried years ago to expose the dirty a warning a target carved into my daughters bedroom tell us where to find the ones who are setting things right. years ago there was a jural society in washington state where did it go? what did it accomplish? I would love to hear

  8. More of the story of what's going on

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