Saturday, August 20, 2016

Why A Name Change is Vital

by Anna Von Reitz

It is apparent that a lot of people are confused about the name change issue. 

All you are doing is a perfectly routine adult name change.  Nothing fancy.  Nothing hard.  No arcane procedures.  No Voo-Doo.  Nothing.  Just a plain old name change in state magistrate level court.

You are changing the "style" of your name from all capital letters like this: JOHN MICHAEL DOE to upper and lower case form like this: John Michael Doe.

Why are you doing this?  The only explanation to the court is that you want your name to be expressed in its grammatically correct form.  JOHN MICHAEL DOE is not a proper name in English.  Period.

There isn't a judge on the planet competent to argue otherwise. 

In fact, if he or she attempts to argue it, you pull out your sturdy copy of The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition, turn to Foreign Languages, Section 11:1147 and the description of Glossa and American Sign Language.  Put that under their nose and tell them to take a deep sniff of the corruption.

So -- what are you doing besides choosing to use proper grammar?

You are taking the first step to reverse a fraud that is now 75 years in the making. 

Your name styled in upper and lower case like this: John Michael Doe ---- is your Trade Name. Your parents chose your first and second name and gave it to you as a gift and the surname (last name) you inherited from your family.  It is your property and you are its Holder in Due Course on the land jurisdiction of the United States.

However, back in 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his Administration committed fraud and treason against you and your government and pulled off the biggest con job ever.  Roosevelt was "President" of a bankrupt corporation operating as the United States of America, Inc.  The Governors operating under him were operating "state franchises" of this same corporation---- the State of Ohio, Inc., the State of Michigan, Inc. and so on. 

So FDR went to his franchisees and together they hatched a plan.  They would simply and secretively redefine your honest Trade Name as the identically styled name of a Foreign Situs Trust. 

Foreign Situs Trusts are named using the same conventions as your Trade Name.  Just looking at them without other reference, the Trade Name "John Michael Doe" looks the same as the Foreign Situs Trust name "John Michael Doe". 

So Roosevelt and his cronies created millions of Foreign Situs Trusts named after living Americans and claimed that those Foreign Situs Trusts were all "franchises" of the bankrupt parent corporation standing as "sureties" for its debts. 

In this way a deliberate confusion was created---a Grand Con based on deceptively and identically similar names. 

Your good Trade Name on the land jurisdiction appeared to be the name of a Foreign Situs Trust operating instead in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  Under this false pretense your Name and Estate were pulled into the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc. as a presumed surety and franchise of this bankrupt parent corporation.

Once that bankruptcy was over, your Trade Name was still confused with the name of their "discharged" Foreign Situs Trust and still left drifting around in the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea----though no longer subject to any clams from creditors.

So? What do you need to do?  You need to beat feet for your home port and re-flag the Ship of State. 

Changing your name from the ACCOUNT to the Proper English signals the fact that you are alive.  Accepting, Acknowledging, and Re-Conveying it as your Trade Name to the land jurisdiction precludes any idea that your estate or your state of the Union is "abandoned property". 

Get going and do it now.  As soon as you have your name change decree, draft your "Deed of Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-conveyance Without Consideration" and record it with the local Land Recorder's Office.

It's no big deal.  Simply a statement such as--- "Today, (the effective date of the name change decree) I have received back my Trade Name and I do acknowledge, accept, and re-convey it to Lawful Jurisdiction on the land and soil of its birth  and return it to its native domicile known as the (wisconsin, ohio, texas, etc.) state and do place this Deed upon the Public Record in token of my action."

Sign, date, record.

Then take a certified copy of this recorded Deed and make a simple "Notice of Deed" as a cover sheet and return it back to the Court.

Again, it's just a one-liner: I, John Michael Doe, have acknowledged and accepted and re-conveyed my Trade Name as shown by the certified copy of the enclosed recorded Deed returned to the case file.

Have the Clerk sign a copy of the Notice, date stamped, received.  Take that and record it as an "Extension" to the Deed of Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance Without Consideration.

You now have your own name back under your control on the land jurisdiction and nobody can say otherwise.

One of the Red Flags we encountered was that nobody had to show any ID in order to change their name.  No Birth Certificates.  No DLs.  No Passports.  Nothing.  You could, apparently, adopt anyone's name.  I could have claimed to be Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and I don't think that judge would have cared.

The same is true of the ACCOUNT sign-language NAME.  When we checked Doing Business Names none of our ACCOUNTS were claimed, either. So, having returned our Trade Name officially to our possession and to our lawful jurisdiction after decades of abuse, the next job is to seize control of the ACCOUNT NAMES. 

Sooner or later, with enough complaints and enough awareness, this will have to be done en masse via political action instead of individual court and recording processes.  Until then, the surreptitious fraud and pillaging and mischaracterization and false claims of "abandonment" continue.  You now have a pathway pioneered and cleared for you to reclaim your natural estate and to return your identity to your own control and to your natural jurisdiction on the land. 

Don't wait.  Do it now.  It isn't difficult.  It costs between $100 and $150 in most states.  Recording fees might be another $150.  But once it's done, you have your Good Name back in your control and you are standing on the land and nobody can say otherwise.

This is the foundation needed to reclaim the ACCOUNTS and all else that is yours--- your claim to be the General Executor of your own Estate. 


  1. After that will I still get my social security check and do I have to pay income tax?


    2. Hi do you or anybody know how I can increase my social security payment amount 30% since in the last 30 years they devalued the dollar 30%. thx

  2. In Milwaukee County (STATE OF WISCONSIN) the instructions on the county web site state that presentation of a BIRTH CERTIFICATE will be required in court. The form they provide, though, does have a box to check to get the Birth Certificate amended also.

    1. On the back side of almost every birth certificates is a place for corrections,stamped by notary,signed,send in for the correction!

  3. I am on OAS ( old age security ) and CPP (Canada pension plan ) If I crash the all caps name ( straw man ) won't I loose these benefits ? I am disabled and unable to go back to work.

  4. Why is it a re-conveyance without consideration? Are we waiving rights here?

  5. STRAWMAN in USA INC, isn't giving us true medical coverage anyway. I just fired my medical Team yesterday "By Phone", and had a block put on the VA Health Care number. What is the difference between NO Health Care (...but God), or meaningless coverage from VHA. I am in likely a mid Metastatic Crisis. I am adamantly and repeatedly denied DIAGNOSTICS. After 12 years the Cardiologist did a Sonagram ... the beautiful work done by the SONOGRAPHER showed why I needed the exam. I remain FREE, but barely. I like that NAME CHANGE ...

  6. Anna Maria, Not in New York. The judge would not do the ANC unless they saw a passport or DL. I had to give them a copy of my passport Page. I also had to give the judge my BC. She refused to give me an Order unless I gave her those items.

  7. Not so sure about this, because they no longer care whether or not it's in ALL CAPS or Upper and Lower case format anymore. I think it's the name itself that they have trademarked already. Maybe a completely New name is what we need altogether.

    1. What is the experience you have had (that, hopefully, can be checked by anyone), or proof you have seen, which makes you say "they no longer care whether or not it's in ALL CAPS or Upper and Lower case format anymore"?

  8. You were never properly named when baby doe left the hospital. You/they abandoned the name and registered/incorporated it with the state. You are john doe which is why when you die without their identification is what you are called.

    1. No, I didn't abandon my name. IT WAS STOLEN FROM ME, by fraud, deception, threat, duress, intimidation, coercion by tyrants against my parents before I could speak or act.
      There is NO statute of limitations on FRAUD.
      This whole thing is massive piracy of our estates by criminals. IT WAS NOT VOLUNTEER on our part. We are not culpable unless once we see the fraud we don't do anything about it. I AM NOT JOHN DOE. He is a fiction entity.

    2. didnt say it wasnt fraud said what was done, dont be mad at me ;o)
      and no a specialty contract can be done under seal that is legitimate and you strengthened that over time in a variety of ways. You are John Doe or a fraudulent, copy written name that your mom registered/incorporated with the STATE, and the US leased, until you are NOT. Best not to be emotional, best to get it taken care of. Why not record your new trade name as opposed to jump through their hoops and get a new trade 47# instead of their criminal commercial SSN that you used to your detriment for many years?

    3. and isnt every NAME fictitious? i am that i am

  9. Does anyone REALLY think that when we change our names as suggested, the opposition will just roll over and give up? You will then be in for long battles over that, so why go to all the trouble and expense? They are the ones who stole our appellations, changed them to a Name or NAME, and use them in commerce for their benefit. If we call them on this, self correct our nationality and change our NAME back to our trade Name in the proper venue via affidavit, we still would have to go through the mill to make it stick anyway, so why not save the funds and use them elsewhere? Anna is the one who says "as a thing is bound, so it is unbound". They stole from us...we can take it back, and don't have to use these private courts to do so, giving them jurisdiction over us again.


    1. From Anna.
      The fact is that as things now stand, you don't have a name. Period. None. Nor a state, either.

      Until you reclaim your name, you are literally "nobody" and you have no standing at all.

      You are seen but not heard.

      And short of getting a pitch fork, that is where it remains until you reclaim your name and estate.

    2. bottom line they have the big guns unless you change your identification like a states witness, they will just tie you back to it for now. trust me, they rolled up on me privately kidnapped me, took me to jail and stole all of my paperwork and charged me with 6 felony's. they can do anything they want dont get it twisted or kill others that they want, which is the reason you are not sovereign - you have no army to fight them.

  10. This is at once clear, yet confusing. I'm almost 73, so what difference does it make now? And I, like Andy Valisalo want to know about social security and veterans' disability compensation. That's all my wife and I have to survive on.

  11. To do a name change don't I have to write what the name is/was which just declares that I was the all caps name that I never actually meant to be. Wouldn't that automatically end all things contracted to me under the all caps name? If the corporation is dissolved and any assets remain.... Where do they go?

  12. I also want to know if we lose social security benefits if we do this name change. I no longer live in the state I was born in (Calif). I am 85 & know one that could verify who I am as they are all deceased. Also, I now have my second husband's last name & if I change it I want to go back to my maiden name???What should I do? What is happening with the law suit regarding foreclosures?

  13. Does anyone live in california. In calfornia, there are NO LAND COURTS. In this state they are called Probate Courts, not land recording courts. This state is one of only 4 states out of the entire 50 states that have been deemed by all lawful bonding companies to be so corrupt there is no way any legitamate bonding company will take that kind of liability. They would go broke. Maybe we should call them and see what they say. Guess who is in that group with california....chicago(where i was born unfortunately) was has been dubbed "the most corrupt state in the union, and home of Borac Obama. These 4 states have opted for the least of all liability coverage for all their so called "public servents".... Its called "pooling". And its not bonding, which is lawfully required by law for "malfeasants of office through color of law" when they violate their oaths, and lawful authoriy with immunity. The citys here have to actually find a number of dufferent insururs to cover everyones liability, and only up to a certain amount for each individual(maybe a max of $250,000) to even make it affordable for cities to even carry insurance. Thats why if you ever ask an officer if he is bonded or insured, they all are trained to tell you the same thing..."we are self-insured". Oh, great. Can i get that coverage. And to even further protect themselves(counties and citys) from any liability, people are told you first have to "get this"...PERMISSION to even consider being sued by anyone by filling out a complaint form through their RISK MANAGEMENT dept. Thats a blantant LIE right there. I once told them im not suing you or the city, im suing your insurance company themselves for even insuring fraud like yours, so give me the names if all your pooling insurers.....we cant give that to you sir.Man do they ever protect that. Does anyone realize why BONDING is so critically important. Bonding is completely different than insurance. The requirements are extremely "strict" to be approved for lawful bonding. The most important being a complete background check of that person. If anything is found ti be derogitary in their search, that individual cannot be bonded. Thats why just about everyone has turned to insurance as an inferior means of liability coverage. But the 4 states i was talking about have resorted to the lowest of all forms of insurance, spreading the liability over several companys(pooling) in order to lessens everyones liability. These CORP. dont want limited LIABILITY, they want NONE.

  14. Can i ask one more question? I have seen some people requesting their name to be recoginized in the following manner....James of the family smith, like it is always seen in the bible. Everyone in the bible is reffered to as only their first name. And usually after that it says...of the family of...abrahm, etc. Also, beyond that, lets say i get that name change. Can i immediately send a letter to both the FTB and IRS who both have incredible leins against both my brother and myself, and tell them to stop garnising our SS payments and remove their leins , which have destroyed our credit rating...???

  15. And its not just our names they use against us, they also use our address, zip codes, our social security numbers, our drivers license, which i signed "without prejudice". And who knows what else. And why is the wording purposly kept simple...why cant we tell the judge that we want the name changed not only because thats the grammatically correct spelling of names, but adding the fact that i am a "man" and demand to be recoginzed as such, distinquesing me from being a "person". Or do you think that would be a reason for the judge to deny our request. Just wondering why so simple. He still is going to be suspicious isnt he...??? But i do understand the need in court to sometimes just play stupid. Ive seen plenty of stupid people in front of a judge, who only get a slap opn the hand for things that should get them at least 30 days in jail. But God forbid if one of us steps into court in front of them especially if we filed paperwork before we face him. Hes already prepared how to deal with pansini i read your paperwork and find it frivilous. He cant wait for a controversy to entail.They are trained actors. Good ones.

    1. They are poorly trained actors otherwise they would be in Hollywood or a used car salesman instead of a plain old Judge or Crown Lawyer. Don't be afraid of them. Ask questions and quote as many Bible scriptures as you can all the time if possible. Bible scriptures render their Jeduit mind control drugs useless and they come to their senses or put the heating over for another time in front of another Judge. They are not trained. They are programmed to avoid the law which they know inside out and switch back and forth from common law to Admiralty Law to Military law without telling you. They are programmed and not trained.

  16. Big issue what if living in a different state and NO plans of ever returning to birth state which is not simply around the corner? Can steps be done through the mail and claim to be on the land jurisdiction of a new state OR are you forever of the jurisdiction of your birth state?


  17. Ditto on this issue, particularly since one must be present for a hearing where one answers a "judge"'s question with single word, "No." ie Distance hardship from current location to birth/berth state. Once tried to attend their COURT "arraignment hearing" by phone to make them prove jurisdiction on the record of the court (which I had already challenged in writing) before making a plea, and clerk refused same; ended up in jail for alleged "FAILURE TO APPEAR" on that one, despite our own court of record foreign proceeding with superior original jurisdiction court judgment and dismissal order by notary (magistrate officer of state and our common law court of record) noticed to their COURT. Could one perhaps execute an affidavit answering the “judge”’s question in that manner, eliminating “live” hearing?
    Additionally, as a woman, maiden birth/berth name is obviously different than current married name, so does one use entire name with both maiden and married NAME for accuracy in NAME change?

  18. Posted for Anna by Paul Stramer

    You can always answer in writing. A "summons" is an "offer" as in a commercial offer. You are not obligated to obey a summons, merely to answer it. The proper way to respond to an unwelcome summons is to issue a counter-offer--- "Sure, I will be glad to appear if this court will kindly provide me with proof that (a) I am the party being identified as the Defendant and (b) copies of all evidence that the court has and which it is presuming to prove jurisdiction over me and my affairs.

  19. As to wmral, yes you are right about how to handle youself in court...Everytime a judge ask someone a question, your job is to answer it with another question. And i can tell you from personal experiance this is an art guys. Because the whole objective is to see who is going to answer who FIRST to see who owns the court. The first one to answer without another question...wins. But they even know that. Ive done it, and the judge was so nervous he tried to hand me a "foretta waiver" to sign, which is contract to obey all rules of the court as any attorney would or be held in contempt if you are going to act in your own defense, and than simply left the bench to see if i was going to sign it. He was pacing back and forth behide the court, because my friend(always bring a witness with you to court) and me saw him walking past both open doors on either side of the wall behind the bench. He was a nervous wreak. So, obviously they have liability, or he wouldnt of cared what i said. But ive been in front of this judge before and messed uo, but he was fully aware that i knew law unlike the unwashed masses he sees on a daly basis. This time he knew i got him. When he came back i handed him back that "foretta waiver" unsigned. And what i should have told him after that is are you going to dismiss this case or not. And it probably would have been over. But i was scared and let him off the hook and told him ill be back with MY attorney. But guess what, that was the very last time i would ever face that same judge again ever. He wasnt about to take any liability or lose his job over something so small and ridiculous as a minor drug charge, with NO INJURED PARTY.After the case was over, i went back to get a copy of the entire proceedings in court min. Always, always go back after and get a copy of your court case wheather you win or lose. Especially if you lose. I dont care what it cost, but always get it. Dont let your attorney do it. You do it. You want to see it for yourself without "cleaning it up" first by him. It is unbelievable what you can learn from one court case and it will show you exactly where you screwed up. I was winning a court case all the way until i was forced at one point because of so many appearances on a minor traffic ticket, that i had to ASK for a "continuance". The judge almost seemed disturbed by it and surprised. He wanted to know why. Because when i went back to get a copy of the court case i found out that the court had enough and was going to dismiss the case that day. And because i ask for a continuance(a favor from the court) they had a "STAMP" in red saying that"because defendent asked for a continuance, the case can no longer be dismissed". No wonder the judge was confused. You can never ask a favor from the court once you start a case. Dont even bother to represent(dont use that term in court) yourself if your not even going to pick up your court case afterwards. How in the hell are you ever going to know what happened. Thats your only source of knowing!!! I have seen court cases of mine that the judged "nuc pro tunc" at least 10 times to get around the times i nailed him. They use it constantly to start over from the beginning, until you make a mistake and they get jurisdiction. Why pull such nonsense if they werent liable ???? If you know your way around the court and confident, you put these judges at risk, wheather you get a name change or not. But if you make a habit of winning in the same court, they will get harder and harder on you, until they make damn sure you lose one way or another.

    1. Check out the videos on YouTube by Eusticre Mullins on how the court system works. Google Eldon Warman and check out his web page on how the court system works. He was a former U.S Airforcee man that got decimated for speaking out seeking the truth and lost his wife because of it.
      Take a look at; vatican assassins dot org to see what Pastor Eric Jon Phelps has to say about the name change thing.
      It seems a lot of people are getting on the band wagon and informing themselves. A lot more required.

  20. It seems like the biggest question by people is if they will lose their social security. THats a legitamate concern. Thats all my brother and i get right now. The IRS is already garnishing that already. If they do anything else to us we will wind up on the streets homeless. It is definitely a major concern for all of us that they will take it all from us if they consider us "REAL ENEMYS OF THE STATE" and not just statutary ones. The state has reached a point , and the banks too, of such utter desperation who knows for sure if they just wont court us up and shoot us. At least judge Anna has the title of a real JUDGE. And Alaska isnt near as corrupt as the lower 48. Not even close. No one can blame us for being scared anymore. Ive said this before to judge Anna and the people on this site totally agreed with me. We dont need lawful jural societies and go through an entire process of electing and filling lawful "public offices". Bullshit. All we need is an honest Sherriff that will stand up for us and against this corrupt Corp. State and has the backing, even if it calls for a foreign military like russia , to accomplish whatever the Sherriff needs to do to correct this problem for all of us. It wont take very long to correct 150 years of abuses with just ONE person who can accomplish what it would take a million of us to do, and avoid a lot of blood shed and unnessisary liability of the people losing everything they have by fighting this system on our own. Get a Sherriff like that and we will all get behind him. How long do you think it will take before he is recogonized as a hero, when he stops all foreclosures, and all federal and state tax leins from being filed against them. Things will happen overnight, instead of years. We have no time left. We have maybe until the rest of the year, and then its to late to do anything. Its an opinion, but i think its legitamate. How come im the only one that thinks this way. There is no reason for individuals to put their necks on the line, especially us senior citizens, when one stratigically placed SHERRIFF can accomplish more than a million of us put together.

  21. Hi does anybody know how I can increase my social security payment amount 30% since in the last 30 years they devalued the dollar 30%. thx

  22. Go to the social secuity website, because you may be one of the people who qualify for a $60,000 increase to your SS benifits, especially if you were married. But you only have until this Sept. 1st to do something about it or you will lose it. That goes for everyone already collecting...

    1. What is this about James, and what should we be looking for at that website?

  23. Im not really sure. But we already lost a chance for something else they hid from us, because that date expired already. This is the last chance for this one, although ive been told that there will be a grace period even after the first, but why wait. I subscribe to a site called "international living postcard" about the advantages of living abroad mostly in central america. He was the one that keeps informing me of it. But it looks like your going to have to call them(the ss office) or go diwn in person because i havent found it on their site either. But he says im not telling you anything that you cant find out yourself right through the SS administration. But most of it has to do with married people that filed for SS at different times without knowing they could have filed differently and gain way more money if they knew the law about filing properly for the maximum gain. Your best bet is to go down in person and ask if you fit the profile. Im single and have never been married. Appearantly, it mostly impacts married people that simply werent informed about the proper way to take advantage of how to maximise their benifits. They obviously owe it to you, but looks like they dont want to advertize it openly. It doesnt suprise me because their are at least 100 ways to file foe SS that no one even knows about. A financial expert on saterdays on KFI640am talks about the complexity of SS laws that no one realizes. Maybe find an attorney specializing in SS LAW. I'll see if i can dig a litter further. But people that were advised of this and corrected it, raised their SS payments from $300/mo to $600/mo. for at least 3 years. Track it down, its worth it.

    1. I called the Social Security Administration and they said this deadline was passed on April 30 of 2016. They said there is no deadline coming up on September 1st, so give me some sources with links where I can verify this is real please.

  24. I remember a couple of years ago I looked at a bank statement that appeared to have a name on it that looked very much like mine. Just before the name of the account I saw the word "styled". I recall discussing this with my wife and ask her "what the $%#@ does that mean" now I know. I need to ask my accountant to email us a statement so I can see this yet again. Well on another note, I took the bank to court re the signature creating the funds Bah bah bah and yes I lost, but I'm not out and will never be out.

  25. if it would be possible just to clarify re: name adult name change. here in Pennsylvania one of the 'requirements' is a finger printing requirement(???) does that sound correct? The petition is merely to correct the incorrect grammar to correct English grammar? is anyone aware of this fingerprinting requirement in any other State?

    robert: carr
    Pennsylvania common wealth(1776)

  26. sorry, also a question re: Glossa judicial notice

    are "we" to make it our "own"? just copy and submit/file? do "we" remove the pertitient details at the top, e.g. your order #, your registered mail # to The Hague? and are we also to mail out copies to all the different "courts" you have named at the top of the notice? i just want this to go in correctly.
    Also, i thought i saw a correction to the cite quote out of The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Ed and/or Chicago Manual of Stiles, is that correct?

    thank you again.

    robert: carr
    Pennsylvania common wealth(1776)


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