Monday, April 11, 2016

LB Bork, the Red Amendment, and The Dual System of Law

by Anna Von Reitz

As Mark Twain said, it's not what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so that gets you into trouble.
LB Bork, The Red Amendment, and The Dual System of Law is a case in point.
Bork rightly realizes that people are organic states and that our nation states including the organic states of wisconsin, illinois, new york, and the rest are in a different status than the State of Wisconsin and STATE OF NEW YORK, but then he and his Followers go limp-wristed and brain-dead and start making a whole lot of assumptions that simply are not borne out in the historical records.
I filled in those vital missing pieces, explained and documented what all these different entities are, but like so many people in the Patriot Movement, Bork and his Followers are immune to any new, different, or more complete information. If it didn't come from them, it has to be a Communist Plot. I went back and changed all the records from the 1802 Congressional Record (single handedly) just to discredit their arguments.
That makes sense, doesn't it?
Or not.
Bork also rightly notices that there is a "Dual System of Law" in place--- but fails to realize that that dual system of law has been in place since before the time of Christ, was built into the foundation documents of this country, and isn't "caused" by anything that happened before, during, or after the Civil War.
LB Bork thinks that the 14th Amendment is "the Key", the pivot point, the "be all and end all", the final explanation and solution of all that has gone on in this country since 1868.
And I say it's not. I say that the 14th Amendment is a By-Law change in a corporate charter that has absolutely no impact on me or my standing as a birthright member of the people of the United States nor any affect whatsoever on my standing as a child born on the land of wisconsin.
Since I am the only one having first-hand knowledge of who or what I am, what I feel, my intentions, thoughts, or anything else about me, every word that drops from my lips is a Matter of Fact and all else is hearsay and supposition.
I say that at most, the "Constitution of the United States of America" represents a codicil to the Will established by "The Constitution for the united States of America" and that as a beneficiary of the original Will and also the United States Trust, it is my right to take against any Will established by carpet baggers and robber barons and foreign bankers back in 1868.
I say that if any of that ever really mattered it no longer does, because the organization that floated the corporate charter deceptively named the Constitution of the United States of America is dead and gone, bankrupted, and that bankruptcy settled in 1999.
And even the one limited Title of the Federal Code that the successor organization known as the UNITED STATES, INC. kept---Title 50---is now defunct because the UNITED STATES, INC. has been insolvent and under liquidation for over a year.
Likewise, all Bork's arguments about the meaning and importance of 14th Amendment "citizenship" are Red Herrings.
Each one of the states is in fact a separate sovereign nation and always has been---read the Naturalization Act of 1802, Seventh Congress, Session 1, Chapter 28, Section 1-4, April 14, 1802, which very clearly lays out the process that is necessary for people from any "state" or "nation" to ever become United States Citizens.....and it becomes very clear that you never did that and aren't one.
All I have to do is stand on my flat feet and say, "Pardon me? I am not a United States Citizen. I am a native of Wisconsin." and if they persist--- "Kindly show me when and where I was Naturalized as a United States Citizen?"
No. This is not about citizenship, 14th Amendment "citizenship" or otherwise. This is about political status all right, but not in the terms that Bork conceived of it.
Bork also jumped to the conclusion that "communists" were behind all this corporate wrong-doing, when the facts show that this whole fraud scheme was thought of, implemented, and enforced by bankers and industrialists and Democrats and conservative church leaders with their heads in the public trough.
I believe that the political leanings of most of the guilty parties were immaterial to their motivations. Theodore Roosevelt was a Republican and he put down the groundwork. Franklin Delano Roosevelt kicked the Fraud Game over the line. Go figure. It looks to me like they were just interested in money and power and cornering markets and putting competitors out of business, and both sides of the political spectrum--- fascists and communists alike---absolutely and provably joined in the corruption.
Finally, Bork and his Followers in the PAC Faith have taken the ever-popular stance of "you are either for us or against us" --- either a True Believer parroting and agreeing with every word that proceedeth from the mouth of Bork, or you are an evil being bent on the destruction of America and deserve to be skinned alive and treated as an enemy and slandered.
It is this final nasty atrophy of the mind that makes PAC a real turn off. I am more than willing to agree to those things that Bork is right about, but it is sheer lunacy to say he is right when the history and abundant public records prove that he is wrong about many of the assumptions he makes.
Bork is not the Messiah, and admittedly, neither am I; however, let it be clearly known to all that I did not come this far in life to be browbeaten by anyone or forced to parrot any party line, kiss any self-aggrandizing, cultish, self-righteous idols or agree with any known lies or mistaken assumptions.

Been there, done that, was a True Believer once myself---but I found out that what I believed wasn't true, and I am never going to make that mistake again. Thank you, Mark Twain.
See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website

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  1. I really like this article for the information and the amount of chuckling Judge Anna afforded me.

  2. hooray, hooray for judge Anna!!! Most people I mention the money and law system to run like scared rabbits.It's "don't scare me with the facts." The public school system has done it's job well, as well as religion and all the other indoctrination systems we have been exposed to!!

  3. This was back in time! Samuel clemens

  4. I've been in the Patriot Movement a long time and have seen most of them come and go, including this one, Bork. I bought his book, The Red Amendment, years ago and sent it to another Patriot and asked what they thought of it and he said about the same as Anna. But the real deal here is that Anna has pretty much nailed the REAL problem/s and everyone else has been chasing their own tail in a circle with bad or misinformation. Too bad some of these people didn't learn the WHOLE Truth of this Movement and they could have avoided prison, or at least most of them would not have been there. Too soon old, too late smart!!!


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