Tuesday, February 23, 2016

NLA Shows Its True Colors - by Anna Von Reitz

Anyone who cares about this country----America---- is invited to compare and contrast the information that I and Bruce Doucette and the Michigan General Jural Society have provided to the people and the VICIOUS LIES that have been perpetuated by the "National Liberty Alliance" and "John Daresh".  

We clearly stated our concerns. 

Lack of action on our properly sworn, witnessed and sealed affidavit of probable cause bound and presented to NLA last summer and now available on Amazon.com under the title "You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" was part of our concern. How is it possible for such a well-researched and referenced accusation to be IGNORED by a Common Law Grand Jury anywhere in this country for any reason?

Lack of action against crimes of all kind and in general after more than two years of organization is another concern we have addressed against NLA.  We know of NO CASES that have been investigated and resulted in charges, much less any successful prosecutions for the numerous, abundant, and overflowing tide of crime against the living people. 

Lack of competent education of volunteers and action taken to declare their proper political status, to organize jural societies, and restore the land based government operating the land jurisdiction owed to the people and the States of America---- leaving NLA members and CLGJ organizers open to federal charges of sedition and subversion is a third concern.  

Please note that ONLY Federal United States Citizens are subject to charges under Federal Code and it should be well understood that we are not Federal United States Citizens. NLA hasn't even made it to first base and realized these facts,.so has not properly guided the members to self-declare their political status, form a jural society, and take a jural oath. 

The overall ignorance and viciousness and sychophantry, together with their stated intent (see my reply to John Daresh, February 20, 2016, and his admitted spying activities) to have four spies embedded in every county in the United States of America reporting back to Mr. Daresh, together with the complete lack of performance in fact indicates that NLA is a spy organization conceived as a means to gather information against Americans and villify those who are actually taking the needed steps to restore the lawful government in a peaceful, lawful, and sensible manner. 

NLA in our opinion is what is known as a "controlled opposition" group---- they pretend to have sympathies with those seeking to restore our lawful government, while in fact spying upon the membership and making sure that none of the efforts their members make toward their stated goals enjoy fruition and that time. money, and effort is frittered away in a lot of self-oriented verbiage that goes nowhere and does nothing but create doubt and divisions throughout the overall movement.

Our accusation against the banks, lawyers, and politicians responsible for this mess have been clearly stated and entered in the international courts of record as well as in our own courts of record. They have been witnessed, autographed, sealed, and sworn to before millions of people.  There can be no doubt about who we are and where we stand.  Those who have any doubts are invited to read our sworn affidavit:  "You Know Something Is Wrong When....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" available on Amazon.com.   

We share the NLA's stated complaints against the American Bar Association and a corrupt "federal court" system, and in fact, reached these same conclusion long before NLA said a word about these infamous private corporate tribunals.  Unlike NLA we have looked deeper into the history of the world and concluded that international banking cartels and mismanagement of money and currency is an even bigger problem than the corrupt and deceitful court system, with corrupt and ignorant politicians bringing up the rear as a Third Party primarily responsible for the current malaise. 

The mention of my name in the "announcement" above is a venal slander and cause of action against me and against others just as innocent of any crime or wrong-doing against the United States of America made by people who are not even declared to BE Americans.  

Strange as it may seem, most of the problems we suffer are because we have been mischaracterized as Federal United States Citizens by mistake.  We are not being accorded our rightful birthright standing as free people of the United States and are instead being misrepresented as British-subjects and "inhabitants" merely "residing" on the land of our country.  

Those running the NLA are either honest and grotesquely ignorant, or are knowingly, willingly, participating in insurrection and False Witness, treason and insubordination against the lawful government of the people, by the people, and for the people.  

We individual people who do not belong to or have any "organization" beyond our local jural societies and local counties operating on the land jurisdiction we are owed by treaty, trust indenture, and covenant---much less any network of spies peering into the affairs of patriots--- stand ready to account for our words, actions, and intentions with regard to our country and our countryman before the World Court or any other mutually agreeable and disinterested actual judicial body on this planet.  We doubt very much that Mr. Daresh and his organization stand ready and willing to do the same. 

The leaders of NLA are self-evidently bringing FALSE accusations and seeking to bring federal "enforcement" down on us.  They are working AGAINST the lawful government vested in the people and in favor of the corporations currently run amok on our soil. 

NLA, quite simple, is part of the problem, not the solution.  Mr. Daresh and Company stand accused of all that they have attempted to besmirch us with and more, and this, by their own hands, according to their own words, and according to their own acts and omissions. 

NLA could have been a shining light, instead of another cesspool of pysops and self-aggrandizement and ignorance.  It's too bad, but so it is.

See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com


  1. All this bickering with Hudes and Daresh... Makes me wonder, is this helping or hurting? I see division being created, and I am for one, very sick of it! Although, I could be overly sensitive, as I live 120 miles from Burns (Harney County), Oregon, and I was there on January 2nd, for the Rally for the Hammonds.

    For the BLM Manual highlights Part One, see PacificPatriotsNetwork.com. You may download the entire thing there as well. It s scary....

    1. Sometimes the only way to get at the truth is to let people go at each other even sometimes in a heated argument. We can't UNITE unless we unite on the right history, principles, and right course. I happen to believe Anna is right, and the NLA is way wrong. We each need to make up our mind where the truth is by lots of study of the background and listening to these people discuss the history of ALL of it.

  2. Thank you anna for your sweet intelligence to help us figure out who NOT to play with.

  3. I thank you lovely critters for being there for your support pls don't get to bewildered there is a psychological war going on. Stay strong we have yet to see the sunny side of this. Anna is working very hard at the attacks on her. Stick with the sovereignty movement its the only way to check back into our true self.

  4. Read up, everyone. Ignorance is not bliss.


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