Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Facts Anti-Gun Advocates Don’t Want You to Know

After last summer’s shooting in Aurora, Colorado and last month’s shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, anti-gun advocates want you to believe that America is a nation infected with violent crimes and murders.  They want you to believe that we are one, if not the, most violent nation in the world and that we have to rid the nation of guns to solve the problem.
But what are the real facts?
Amidst the Noise released a video on You Tube that provides some very stunning facts about violent crimes in the US and Great Britain that anti-gun advocates don’t want you to know this.

Read more:

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Morgan is no better at this type reporting than he was at America's Got Talent, another program he was not qualified to handle.

    I'd love to see that boxing match between him and Alex Jones.

    We don't need people from other countries to come over here and tell us how to run our country. I have seen many You Tube videos made by British citizens begging us to not not give up our guns.


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