Monday, November 19, 2012

The most important book this Century. The Mystery of Iniquity

The Mystery of Iniquity  
By Fr. Paul Kramer

Book Review:

This book, available on for $18.98, is a complete and very well documented history of the takeover of finance and power by the bankster cabal and those who want total world control with their "new world order" and what they have planned for you and your children in the very near future.

While I might disagree with some of the conclusions he comes to having to do with the solution to this problem, I agree very much with the premise that the only true solution is to change the hearts and minds of the people toward humility and repentance as the only path toward the right solution. 

The vast majority of the people on this planet are simply NOT WORTHY OF FREEDOM because they do not value it's prerequisite of personal responsibility to find the truths of why we are here. This is the purpose for which  Jesus Christ came to this world in the first place. He stated He was here to testify to the truth. In fact He is Truth personified. He is the eternal Word of God made man. He is God's eternal truth, made into our own flesh and blood to pay the price we could never pay for redeeming all mankind. Notice I did not say Saving.

Salvation and Redemption are two different things. Redemption did NOT require our participation, but Salvation certainly does!

If you want to understand how evil works, and why God allows it, this is the book for you.
If you want to understand the history of how evil has perverted the world, and why it is coming to it's inevitable end, this is the book for you.
If you want to know what to do about it, and you want to have the right tools to combat it and win, this book is for you.
If you want to understand the term "New World Order" as it has been understood by the secret societies throughout the centuries, this book is your best way.
If you want to understand WHAT DRIVES THESE PEOPLE TO THEIR EVIL ENDS, there is no better book on the market.

And finally, if you want to know what you need to do to get out from under the evil empire and their eternal shame get this book, read it, and then call me.  800 889 2839

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