Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Best States For Homeschooling

We home schooled eight children. None of them have any problem competing with the products of the public schools.

Get the book from Amazon called "Public Schools, Public Menace"


  1. Warning,this post is full of sarcasm .

    Paul, I have been reading your post,since someone has been sending them to me. I agree with your feelings on home school but you're not being politically correct, nor are you respecting the warnings of the ADL. Shame on you Paul! How dare you advocate such non-sense. They are going to put you on the watch list of domestic terrorist.
    Here is just one of their warnings you may enjoy reading.
    You should apologize right away and admit your transgressions. The ADL is watching you Paul.

    By the way, My wife home schooled both of our sons. Oh no, we might be on the list too!

  2. We have been on their list for years. We helped get the Montana home schooling laws passed back over 20 years ago.

    They can take their political correctness and shove it where the sun don't shine.


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