Thursday, August 9, 2012

Aurora shooter was not alone say eyewitnesses

Published on Jul 31, 2012 by cliffordanthonypaiva

This officer's very brilliant expose (on something he knows absolutely NOTHING about of course...) notwithstanding his pretty stars: (1.) No One saw James Holmes INSIDE the Century 16 Theater; (2.) No one saw James Holmes ENTER the theater; (3.) NO ONE saw James Holmes LEAVE the theater. Seen:(1.) one man signaling to someone OUTSIDE the theater. (2.) Obscurants (or tear gas) being hurled by a man entering the EXIT door; wearing a helmet, gas mask and body armor. Keep in mind: Buckley AFB:2 miles from theater.

Also of interest: (1.) Eric Holder (US Attorney General...himself a gun-runner of some 30,000 assault weapons forwarded to the Mexican Drug Cartels) has been cited by Congress for CONTEMPT; the matteof which has been turned over to the Washington DA; and of course the District Attorney and his Holder's Contempt of Congress will go nowhere, since the DA reports to Eric Holder.

(2.) Buckley AFB, which was probably used by the US CIA-DOD attack at Century 16, is 2 miles distant from the theater.

(3.) The United States' corrupt leadership was apparently attempting to "motivate" the American People into supporting the United Nations global gun-control treaty occurring the following week; as well as the reduction (in effectiveness) of the US Constitution's Second Amendment...."...a well regulated (highly trained and disciplined) militia...being necessary to the security of a FREE state (i.e. free from a burdensome and tyrannical government); the RIGHT of the PEOPLE (of the Militia) to keep and bear (state-of-the-science ) arms shall NOT BE INFRINGED..."judge" Scalia and his stupidly...notwithstanding.

(4.) I use the term "STUPIDITY" since Scalia does not...after his years at George Town University and Harvard Law School... grasp that the MILITIA = the PEOPLE! Further that the PEOPLE MUST ALWAYS be in a position to REMOVE (as in the case today) corrupt governments...FORCEABLY...if the situation arises. More precisely, that the Second Amendment provides the OPERATIONAL MECHANICS for the Declaration of Independence clause: "...that to secure these RIGHTS...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to ALTER or to ABOLISH it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to THEM shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Supreme Court Justice Scalia is STUPID not to understand that "hunting" and personal use of weapons is NOT involved in the 2nd Amendment....rather the forced removal...if necessary...of CORRUPT judges (like himself), executives and legislatures...are the intent of this amendment. He needs to pick up his fat rear end and get back to some basic United States American History.

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