Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Santorum or Gingrich can NOT be the nominee

Is this what Nancy Pelosi knows about Newt Gingrich that will stop him from becoming the GOP nominee? Are Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum ONLY still running to stop Ron Paul?

In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

Time to face the facts. What the GOP fears most is what America needs most.

Neither Santorum nor Gingrich can win the Nomination for one simple reason. Neither of them can collect enough delegates to win the Nomination.

Neither man can be the nominee because neither one was able to get on enough states' ballots to make a difference. (564 delegates that Newt can't win ), Same with Santorum (over 700 delegates he can't win ). And the media as well as the GOP is praying to god that the American people continue to remain ignorant of this fact for as long as possible while they try to come up with a strategy that will bury Ron Paul before Romney is forced to face him on stage alone and the commentators are no longer able to marginalize Paul by giving all the questions to everyone but him.

Ron Paul and Mitt Romney are the only two candidates that made it on the ballot in every state. Romney will not beat Obama, he's too similar except he will raise taxes on anyone making 40k a year or less in favor of giving himself lower taxes. Independents are going to run to Obama if Romney is the alternative.

It is a two man race between Ron Paul and Romney for the nomination.

It is also a two man race between Ron Paul and Obama for the White House.

It's time Conservatives and people with any functioning brain cells in their heads started backing the only real candidate that will beat Obama and save America. And whether you like it or not, that candidate is, by default, Ron Paul.

The facts can't be twisted to point in any other direction. The Delegates decide who gets the nomination and you can't get delegates if you aren't on the ballots. It doesn't matter how much money gets pumped into your campaign by special interest groups. The facts are the facts.

Fact : Gingrich and Santorum cannot win the nomination no matter how much they get in " popular " votes.

Fact : Romney will fail epically against Obama in a general election.

Fact : Ron Paul will decimate Obama on his Foreign Policy stance alone. Add in his Economic and Defense policies ( All 3 of which were policies Obama ran on in 2008 and abandoned once he got in the White House so no one would be stupid enough to believe he's going to follow them in his second term ) and you have an un-beatable candidate in the general election who the bulk of the American people will vote for when they finally get a chance to see the man unfiltered and unbiased by the media.

America is broke and the average American is tired of hearing about another war on the horizon and seeing more dead soldiers coming home in coffins for no reason...all the while the freedoms they are dying to " protect " are being stripped away from us by our own by one.

Obama has ‘0’ chance of beating Paul and Washington knows it. The GOP knows it. The corporations that own Washington know it too so they instruct the media outlets they own to hide it from you.

But now you know. Gingrich and Santorum are mathematically incapable of winning the Nomination and Romney can't beat Obama in the general election.

Ron Paul is the only choice we have. It's just nice that, for once, he's the RIGHT choice and not just the " lesser of two evils ".
Henry Patrick


  1. Excellent article. Can someone tell me the specific states besides Virginia and Indiana that either Gingrich and/or Santorum did not get on the ballot? I want to spread the word on this but want to back it up with as much detail as possible.

  2. Why doesn't Dr. Paul make this knowledge known to the public during a debate?

  3. Maybe so the delegate count can be spread out, thus allowing for Dr. Paul to continue spreading his message. If he made it public, most Rep would vote for Romney. This would leave Paul in the dust with no chance.


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