Saturday, November 19, 2011

What Will We Say? WHAT WILL WE DO?

What will we say when the government announces that “for security reasons” it will begin conducting random checks of our homes?

That we will be required by law to open our doors and stand aside while government agents do a walk-through, just to “be sure” and (of course) “to keep us safe”?

What does "the law" say?  What IS the law?
Do you know what the law really is?
Isn't the Supreme Law for the United States the US Constitution? Is it still in effect?
Not in the courts. The judges say they don't have to hear Constitutional arguments and that the average guy doesn't have standing to question the application of clearly unconstitutional laws. They also say we don't have brains enough to know what is unconstitutional.
Do we still have a Constitution? Or has the DC government been subverted by our enemies, and changed into a different kind of government altogether?
If this is true, how was it done?
All of this was done by FRAUD, DECEPTION, THREAT DURESS AND COERCION. Before God it is all NULL AND VOID.

While I am NOT a Newt Gingrich supporter and think he has a big government history fostered by his membership in CFR etc, I will say this little speach he made in 2009 has some very Powerful statements.
Pay special attention to his treatment of the 9th circuit and Jefferson's law abolishing a bunch of federal courts. The Legislative and Executive branches CAN STOP THE JUDICIAL TYRANNY, and so
can juries. 
Watch this movie:

The only question that remains is "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT" and
How do we restore that supreme law?

Ron Paul knows these things and is unabashedly saying them, and has been for over 30 years.
He also has the voting record to back it up. He is in a dead heat right now in Iowa for first place.

Paul Stramer
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