Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Obama's ineligibility is coming to a head.

Washington DC March 28 -30, 2012




  1. Anybody but a black liberal would have been exposed as ineligible to be president of the U.S. with just the inuendo's of doubt before the democratic primary had ended. Add the factual evidence of forged birth cirtificates, statements by relatives and leaders in his real birth country, and it is a slam dunk. I can believe why socialists, communists, marxists and other traitors of the country ignore all of these facts, but why is our elected congress sitting on their hands. How many of them are closet traitors to their birth country?

  2. ...closet traitors to their birth country?

    Most of them. They are only in it for the money and power. They sold us down the river in 1913 and it has been nothing more than smoke and mirrors ever since.


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