Monday, January 31, 2011

Put the money on Main Street instead of Wall Street ?

How publicly owned banks benefit the commonwealth instead of a few private financiers and what it means for you and I.

There are two schools of thought about how to get the debt under control and how to create the business expansion necessary to get our economy back on track and in profit.

One is to get away from unbacked currency and get back to a gold standard, and the other is to get the congress to issue United States currency like Jack Kennedy did with executive order 11110 for 450 Billion in United States Notes.

Read "Web of Debt" by Ellen Brown. Get it at
Then go to and order the following videos on DVD for a great background education about money.
The cost is only one dollar per video plus $6 shipping regardless of how many you order.

"Money as Debt"
"The Secret of Oz"
"Fiat Empire"
"Financial Armageddon"
"The End of Liberty"

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