Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Gingrich sounds off on Obama eligibility

Says prez has 'obligation' to determine why people don't believe his life story

As you know I am no Newt Gingrich fan. If you want to know why go to our movie website and get a movie called "The Real Newt Gingrich" by the JBS made years ago and updated recently. Here is the link http://www.redwhiteandbluebox.com/

But this one caught my interest and you need to read this short article.

Gingrich sounds off on Obama eligibility


While he confirms my belief that Newt is not a real conservative by saying  "that Obama was "absolutely" born in the United States and is a Christian" he does ask some very sticky questions.

The writers of the article take it from there. Just the questioning alone tells us that the insiders can no longer ignore the questions, and also it tells us that there is a power war going on in DC between the two branches of the single Republicrat/Demican party that might just give us the opening to take this country back without bloodshed.

Get everyone you know to get out and vote against this Obamunism.

You know who the "Newt Gingrich" style so called Republicans are in Lincoln County, and who the Democrats are that would like you to believe they are "Non-Partisan"

VOTE THEM ALL OUT, so we can start over with real Americans who understand that the Constitution for the United States is the supreme law and that standing on that supreme law is the only thing that will bring Peace and Freedom in Lincoln County. We sure don't have it now.

We have nothing but corruption and the rule of men, especially in law enforcement and in the corrupt judicial system here.

Throw the bums out and start from scratch with the real rule of law.

Paul Stramer

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