Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Message to Juan O'Savin and People Who Listen to Him

 By Anna Von Reitz

Here is a direct quote from a recent Juan O'Savin interview: 

"ULTIMATELY … what this fight will come down to…. The most important
races happening in the country… it will be the GOVERNORS… who have
to protect the states from the federalization of America…."

But here's the problem, Juan.  

Those aren't our governors.  Those are British Territorial United States Governors.  Not American Governors. 

And those aren't our Public Elections, either.  The elections that are electing all these foreign Governors are private Municipal Corporation Elections, like any shareholder elections anywhere on Earth. 

So, the problem isn't electing good Governors. 

The problem is waking up and realizing that this whole picture is untenable and voting for new or different British overlords isn't going to fix it.  

And as for protecting the states from "federalization" --- Juan, dear heart, the "federalization" took place back in the 1860's.  What we are dealing with now, are the results. 

Those elections that you want Americans to participate in are foreign corporation elections and they result in filling private corporation offices, not Public Offices. 

Want to wake yourself up?  

Realize that the "federalization" of the states already took place a long time ago, but could not breach our land and soil jurisdiction.  The organizations you are part of and which you are assuming to be "your government" are British Territorial Municipal Corporations operating in the jurisdiction of the sea.  

These are Federal Subcontractors and not the actual American Government at all.  

We don't have a vote regarding who their "governor" is, but we can certainly elect our own and start shoving the hired help back out to sea.


See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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