Regarding mHD Event and Situation in England

 By Anna Von Reitz

To the Alliance and the Galactic Federation 

An unreasoning fear and general lack of moral fortitude, along with the failure to recognize that one injustice cannot be cured by creating another, has led those entrusted with the safekeeping of this planet to flaunt Divine Law and to drop into a quagmire of relativist drivel, inaction, and excuses for allowing “social engineering” to occur along with the further pollution of mankind’s genome. 

And gross proliferation of lies.

Today, the evil and criminal intent of those who have so far conspired to benefit themselves at the expense of all people on Earth is now made clear and set before us. 

The failure on your parts to repair and restore, or even simply tell the truth, has already been reported in a way and via means beyond your ability to detect or alter, so that the mere appearance of the results you have allowed will stand as proof of your collusion and guilt. 


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