Sunday, January 13, 2019

Replies to World Leaders

By Anna Von Reitz

1. I hear you talking among yourselves and the chief argument against doing what I have told you to do is --- "But we won't be in power anymore!"
Please submit a brief 2-3 page letter telling me exactly what you have done that is beneficial to humanity and why you should be in control of anything --- even a cat box?
2. The "FBI" is owned and operated (along with the "BLM") by a foreign corporation merely calling itself "THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES".
Do I really have to say more?
Locate the Board Members of "THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES" and you will have the parties responsible for the murder and ambush of LaVoy Finicum and also the witch hunt "investigation" into Candidate and now -President Donald Trump.
They are obviously and unarguably criminals who need to be hunted down, arrested, and punished.
No big mysteries here.
Go get 'em.
Anna Maria Riezinger
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Emergency Powers?

By Anna Von Reitz

It should be perfectly obvious that our Constitution has never granted any so-called "Emergency Powers" to our President nor to any Congress authorized to act in our behalf.  Logically, a Congress can't give what it doesn't have --which is the power to declare any "Emergency" nor to create the existence of any "Emergency Powers" on our behalf. 

Any such powers claimed by the Municipal United States Congress apply only to its organization with respect to its administration of the Washington DC Municipality, which it rules as an independent international city-state.  See Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.  

Out of two million "attorneys" we don't have one left that can read a simple contract verbatim?  

America as a country was born in an "emergency" and forged in fire.  We don't even describe any "emergency powers" as we simply exercise whatever powers we need to exercise whenever and however. 

Witness my comments to President Trump yesterday.  While he is wondering how he can protect America's borders and do his job without funding, I just flat-out told him.  Go ahead and declare your Territorial Emergency  ---- and coordinate with us, your actual Employers running the land jurisdiction government owed to this country.  

We're back.  We're "home again".  We have the lawful authority to deputize every man in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California if we want to, and we can authorize them to pack up their 30.30's and go make the Mexicans and Hondurans an offer they can't refuse. 

The Territorial and Municipal United States Governments are milling around like chickens with their heads off, squawking and squealing about the Border Crisis, the Border Crisis, the Border Crisis and the Wall, the Wall, the Wall.   But the reality is that we can have a million armed men on that border and backing up the Border Patrol as sworn deputies in 24 hours.  And we don't need any "Emergency Powers" to do it, either. 

Mr. Trump is justly concerned because it is his job and his business to provide for the safety and security of this country and its people.  He has limited forces and funding to do it and 20,000 Meso Americans wanting to illegally cross our border is a real threat.  To him.   Not to us.  We can squelch that nonsense like a mosquito running into a very big fly-swatter.  

The Municipal Hacks aren't at all concerned because they don't represent us, they simply took it upon themselves to claim (falsely) that they have the right to spend our money and enslave us to pay their bills when they demonstrably and definitely don't.  In fact, all those clueless numb nutz in the Municipal Congress need to be permanently ceasing and desisting any claim to represent these States and this country---- because they don't and never have since 1860. 

It's been nothing but a gigantic fraud scheme for 150 years, and thank the Lord there is no statute of limitations on fraud. 

The Municipal "Congress" has managed to mess things up so completely that their corporation has required both bankruptcy and liquidation and for ninety days they can't pass a new spending bill, so even if they wanted to, they couldn't give Trump money for a Wall.  

And they have no business making claims upon us and spending our money any way.  

They are committing blatant international fraud. They don't represent us.  They are not our fiduciary or fiscal agents.  They are running their own separate "independent, international city-state" and most of the Democrats are Dual Citizens of Israel.  All they are doing is picking our pockets in broad daylight and the worthless Papal Administration has been sitting there as our "Trustees" getting kick backs and letting them do it for 150 years.  

Just because they hold their private corporate elections in every state of the Union doesn't mean those are our elections.  Just because they open up their "franchises" like Dairy Queen franchises in every state of the Union and call them "STATE OF......" doesn't mean these are our States.  

Trump could spend existing allocations in the Defense Budget to build the wall or beef up border security in other ways--- and he should.  That's our money however it was illegally and immorally and fraudulently fleeced from us and one of the duties of the Territorial United States Government is to defend us.  We didn't give it to them to defend the members of the the treasonous Municipal Government or the Hondurans, did we?  

No.  Nobody in their right mind could defend any such assumption.  

We have our "Emergency Powers" and they don't need any declarations, legal interpretations or explanations.  Cross our borders and leave Mr. Trump unable to defend, and we will defend ourselves.  There isn't anyone anywhere who has one iota of an excuse to say anything about it. 

The Pope needs to get off his duff and arrange an airlift for all the members of  the Municipal Congress that still want to play this game.  Looks like most of the Democrats will be finding new homes in Israel.  Maybe a few decades of hard work on a Kibbutz will do them some good. 


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Judas Iscariot

By Anna Von Reitz

I recently published an article in which I observed that Judas Iscariot was the Thirteenth Disciple and said that he was "unfaithful".   Most people can see why this is so and don't need an explanation of how Judas was unfaithful and the fact that he was unfaithful: it is clearly demonstrated in the Biblical text.  

Jesus addressed Judas at the Last Supper, and clearly knew what Judas was about to do to him --- betray him to the Roman authorities in behalf of the Sanhedrin for the cost of a bribe of thirty pieces of silver. 

I would call that "unfaithful" on the part of a Disciple, wouldn't you?  

Jesus also said it would be better for Judas that he had never lived, and indeed, that also proved true, for what happened after Judas realized the results of his actions?  He threw the silver away and hung himself.  He no longer wanted to live with that guilt on his head. 

However, there is a New Age "interpretation" of the circumstance that holds that Judas HAD to betray Jesus in order for Jesus to become a martyr and "die for our sins"--- that Judas was the "necessary" betrayer and had no choice but to carry through his part in the Passion Play.   

I will take that up with anyone who wants to raise their head above the trench they are in.  I have news for everyone.  Jesus didn't die for our sins.  He died because of our sins--- our bad choices, our mistakes. 

We, living people, always have freewill.  Our Father honors our freewill, so that we learn the results of our choices, even when our choices are awful--- like Judas's choice. 

The Life of Jesus was not pre-determined.  He didn't have to die like that.  He died because Judas and the members of the Sanhedrin and the Romans and the hoity-toity Jews of Jerusalem at that time rejected him and his message of peace and love and healing. 

Remember how he wept when he saw Jerusalem and what he said?  How he would have gathered Jerusalem like a hen gathers chicks, but they "would not"?  

This was his observation at what appeared to be the moment of his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  

He already knew what was brewing.  He knew he was going to his death. He went anyway and let the chips fall, even though he clearly didn't know everything about it and continued to question it in the Garden of Gethsemane and even on the Cross.  

He walked forward in faith that some supreme good would come of it. 

No, Judas gets no "free pass" for his decisions.  Neither Our Father nor the Devil made him do it.  He did what he did of his own free will and it had the results he chose. 

Jesus also made his choices in perfect freedom.  He could have run away.  He could have refused the torture stake. 

The actual lesson of Judas Iscariot is two-fold and has nothing to do with any pre-determined script: (1) money is a worthless substitute for God, and (2) faith is a necessary condition for life. 

Peter and Judas both grossly and some would say "unforgivably" betrayed Jesus that same night.  Both fell far short.  But one condemned himself to die and one condemned himself to live ---- and the difference between them was faith. 

Peter had faith that Jesus loved him and would understand and forgive him. Judas had no such faith to sustain him through the crisis. 

Again, it all comes down to love and compassion --- whether you believe in love and trust it, or not.  Whether you keep faith with love, or not.  And whether or not you have faith enough to accept love and compassion for yourself in spite of your sins. 

If Jerusalem could have seen itself as it truly was --- sunk in sin and Mammon-worship, if it could have confessed its condition and repented --- there was Jesus, ready to forgive it and gather it.

Obviously, he made the same "offer" to Judas.  

Just as obviously, both Judas and Jerusalem rejected the offer.  Even the "faithful" Disciples scattered and ran.  His family came to the foot of the Cross, not the vast crowds who cheered one day and condemned the next.  

So here we are again, at the end of "these times"---- as in the days of Noah, men sleep with other men and with beasts and summon demons to help them in their iniquities, women kill their own babies, criminals run the government, liars tell the news, the emblem and idol of the Great Abomination stands where it should not stand in New York Harbor.  Even the prophecy of the Cedars and the Sycamores has come to pass in the wake of the destruction of the World Trade Center.  

It's all there, spelled out for all to see, just as foretold --- the arrogance of our leaders, their refusal to repent and humble themselves after all the damage they have done and all the misery they have caused. 

And not just the leaders of "the US" or New York City, the leaders of almost the whole world.  

They all just continue to go on mindlessly, invoking Business As Usual, continuing to collect taxes from people who not only don't owe any taxes, but who are owed payment, instead, continuing to allow every kind of evil, including the wholesale murder of babies, the "securitization" of living people as if they were corporations made by men, the "trading in souls" via the buying and selling of Baptismal Certificates and DNA, the poisoning of our water and our food supplies, and all the endless lies and half-truths that go with this. 

It is a stinking, horrifying pile of garbage and we have nobody to blame but ourselves, because this is all the result of choices that people have made to follow after Mammon and reject the Gospel, just like Judas, just like Peter, just like Jerusalem. 

But this time the story is going to go a different route.  

The Apocalypse has come.  The continuing ruler-ship of Satan even in the modern world and in the modern Church has been exposed.  The Watch Fires are lit.  Those who stand guard, the Watchmen, have come forward to raise the alarm and give the final warnings. 

Understand --- we are all guilty, we have all made mistakes.  Understand also that the "cut" is determined by who repents and who admits their sin and who commits to living a new and better life, like Peter.   

All the others, like Judas, will be gone. 

So when I tell you that I have offered the rulers of the banks and the governments and the armies a safe and just and easy way to make correction -- a conversion of the debt system to a credit system that would take only three days and harm nobody on Earth --- and that they still refuse to act and instead continue to go forward with their old, established evil, take note. 

Like Jerusalem, they have been given "a time" to repent and reflect and look around at the unfolding prophecy.  At every step, they have had freewill to transform their destiny.  They have no one and nothing to blame but themselves, for they have been told the Truth and given other options, and they still stubbornly continue to honor nothing but their ego and Mammon and Satan. 

So, they have to go.  It is only a question of exactly when and how this is to be accomplished, but not a question about the inevitability of this outcome. As Fiduciary, I have ordered it to be done quickly and quietly, with no big drama.    

I wish that everyone on Earth would see their condition and repent it and trust in Our Father's love and generosity --- and commit to living a far better and braver life, like Peter, instead of throwing their lives away like Judas Iscariot.    

That said, I have given everyone all the information needed to do the right thing by the Earth and its People and I have been laughed at for my trouble, physically attacked, and derided by those who should be in sack-cloth.  As I have patiently fulfilled every Notice, many millions of innocent people have suffered and died to allow these evil-doers time to repent.  

And still no true repentance comes. 

The Office of the Roman Pontiff has been ended, but the so-called "Secular Worship" of Satan has continued right on, even among members of the Church and the Priesthood of the Church.  When I have pressed for an end to it, the perpetrators have chosen to set up the "Holy Roman Empire" to take the place of the Office of the Roman Pontiff and continue conducting all their evil business as usual. 

It's like a gang of little kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar, blaming it on the dog, waiting a couple hours and going right back into the kitchen as if nobody would notice. 

Our Father honors their free will, and what they will choose for themselves, they will choose.  They will not be allowed to ruin the Earth.  They will not be allowed to disrupt and terrify and harm everyone else. They will not have their "Last Hurrah" in the way they envisioned it and most importantly, they will not win anything but their own destruction. 

Though they think they have power and that they have money and that they have the ability to mount a fight, the fight is already over.  It ended many years ago on a hill overlooking a trash heap called Golgotha.  

Now comes the time and the peace of The Lamb.  Let all on Earth be advised. 
The final warnings have been issued and those aligned with evil are running out of time. The choice of Peter, like the choice of Judas, is set before them--- and before us all. 


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Thank You SOTN and AIM

By Anna Von Reitz

Thank You SOTN and AIM 

I appreciate all the work State of the Nation and American Intelligence Media have done to research the British calumny and deceit that has ruined our country and destroyed untold millions of lives. 

SOTN and AIM are backing up what I said many months ago. 

Go back and look.  I told everyone that it wasn't Russia and that it was Britain causing the trouble. It's ALWAYS Britain at the bottom of every dog pile. 

Once the nations of the world catch on to this fact it will be a lot harder for Britain to employ its puppets in the US, in Qatar, in Hong Kong and elsewhere to cause trouble.

We all need to double-down on both "British" Governments-- Westminster and Whitehall-- and all their affiliates, especially the Government of Scotland which has been used for a lot of banking and legal chicanery. 

People also need to know that the Government of France is largely influencing --and also being used behind the scenes---by the Monarchist powers to cause trouble in a secondhand fashion. 

Britain uses the US, Scotland, and other countries as puppets for its bullying and cheating, but works with France to promote the same. 

The end result is the same-- the only difference is that the French are more aware of it, so they protest -- like the Yellow Vests. 

This is the difference between "Patsies" who are being commandeered or used unwittingly and partners in crime. Britain and France have long associations all the way back to the Dark Ages and have often been ruled by the same powers--- so they work together in ways that would astonish many people and are not the "Natural Enemies" they pretend to be. 

Just notice that for many years Jacob Rothschild controlled the Bank of France and Nathan Rothschild controlled the Bank of England and you will see how "hand and glove" they actually are. 

France has also been the Holy See's Ace in a Hole for centuries. Most of its investments outside Italy are centered in "Loyal France" and Spain is where they keep their private bank accounts. 

The Holy See uses France the same way the Brits manipulate the US.

This sets up a situation where the sanctimonious criminals--- Britain and the Holy See--- sit back and appear to be innocent, when in fact they are the ones responsible for the problems in the first place. They are invariably the source of 90% of the trouble on Earth. 

And it needs to end.  

We all need to wake up, expose their "Hidden Hand" -- the Secret Societies they have run through the Office of the Pontiff and now propose to orchestrate through the resuscitated "Holy Roman Empire"-- and keep the focus of exposure on them. 

It's like monitoring a nasty little kid who is always causing trouble. You have to watch everything they do and all the kids they influence in order to keep them all in line.

You have to identify the ringleaders before you can sit on them. 

Now we all know that it is not the Americans that are causing any of this and that the "US" is a puppet being run by Britain, it is a lot easier to make sense of what has gone on in the world. 

Britain has used "the US" as a siphon to drain America dry and supply itself with abundant cheap mercenaries. 

Now that the Americans are waking up, the Schemers are trying to move their operations to China and use the Chinese in the same way--abundant cheap mercenaries under British and Holy See control.  

Via a combination of co-option and pay-offs they intend to set up Hong Kong inside China just as they set up the District of Columbia in "the US".  

This forms a safe base of operations for them inside and associated with the country they are targeting. 

Over time they confuse the identity of Hong Kong with "China" in the same way they have confused the identity of "the US" with America. This then allows them to undermine the actual Chinese government and gain access to the labor and credit and resources of the Chinese People.  They will try to do to China what they have done here. 

And they will try to use China and it's young men to bully and rape the rest of the world, just as they have misled, used and abused the Americans. 

It behooves every thinking being on the planet to see what these Vermin are doing and expose it so that they are cheated out of their aims. 

Russia needs to play a crucial part in this exposure because no other nation can.  America is just waking up and the rest of the world is at a hopeless disadvantage. 

As more people recognize the horrors of Commercial Feudalism and the plans of Britain and the Holy See to impose this on the whole world via manipulation of China, they will be blocked by many countering forces both inside and outside China. 

Once fully awake, the American People will be outraged by the mistreatment and Breach of Trust they have suffered at the hands of these criminals--- and they will have no trouble assisting the rest of the world in putting an end to these self-interested and diabolical Monarchist crime syndicates. 

Enough is enough.  

We now know which governments are actually responsible and who the criminals are.  We have identified the source of the problem and it's not Russia. 

We have exposed the intention of the Vermin to move into the Middle East and foment trouble there via their misleading propaganda and funding of ISIS.  We have identified their parasitic tentacles seeking to "set up shop" in China and run a "US v America" style national identity theft scheme via a similar "Hong Kong v. China" set up.

It is time for the entire world to wake up and put an end to the parasites' activities--- see through them and end them. 


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Important! State of the Nation! T R E A S O N !! CROWNGATE

By Anna Von Reitz

THE GREATEST CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY IN U.S. HISTORY: The British Crown, Privy Council and ‘City of London’ Effectively Rule America

Paul, please be sure to include the Crowngate article along with this so people can see what is being referred to?

Dear Nina-- 

I appreciate all the work State of the Nation and American Intelligence Media have done to research the British calumny and deceit that has ruined our country and destroyed untold millions of lives. 

SOTN and AIM are backing up what I said many months ago. 

Go back and look.  I told everyone that it wasn't Russia and that it was Britain causing the trouble. It's ALWAYS Britain at the bottom of every dog pile. 

Once the nations of the world catch on to this fact it will be a lot harder for Britain to employ its puppets in the US, in Qatar, in Hong Kong and elsewhere to cause trouble.

We all need to double-down on both "British" Governments-- Westminster and Whitehall-- and all their affiliates, especially the Government of Scotland which has been used for a lot of banking and legal chicanery. 

People also need to know that the Government of France is largely influencing --and also being used behind the scenes---by the Monarchist powers to cause trouble in a secondhand fashion. 

Britain uses the US, Scotland, and other countries as puppets for its bullying and cheating, but works with France to promote the same. 

The end result is the same-- the only difference is that the French are more aware of it, so they protest -- like the Yellow Vests. 

This is the difference between "Patsies" who are being commandeered or used unwittingly and partners in crime. Britain and France have long associations all the way back to the Dark Ages and have often been ruled by the same powers--- so they work together in ways that would astonish many people and are not the "Natural Enemies" they pretend to be. 

Just notice that for many years Jacob Rothschild controlled the Bank of France and Nathan Rothschild controlled the Bank of England and you will see how "hand and glove" they actually are. 

France has also been the Holy See's Ace in a Hole for centuries. Most of its investments outside Italy are centered in "Loyal France" and Spain is where they keep their private bank accounts. 

The Holy See uses France the same way the Brits manipulate the US.

This sets up a situation where the sanctimonious criminals--- Britain and the Holy See--- sit back and appear to be innocent, when in fact they are the ones responsible for the problems in the first place. They are invariably the source of 90% of the trouble on Earth. 

And it needs to end.  

We all need to wake up, expose their "Hidden Hand" -- the Secret Societies they have run through the Office of the Pontiff and now propose to orchestrate through the resuscitated "Holy Roman Empire"-- and keep the focus of exposure on them. 

It's like monitoring a nasty little kid who is always causing trouble. You have to watch everything they do and all the kids they influence in order to keep them all in line.

You have to identify the ringleaders before you can sit on them. 

Now we all know that it is not the Americans that are causing any of this and that the "US" is a puppet being run by Britain, it is a lot easier to make sense of what has gone on in the world. 

Britain has used "the US" as a siphon to drain America dry and supply itself with abundant cheap mercenaries. 

Now that the Americans are waking up, the Schemers are trying to move their operations to China and use the Chinese in the same way--abundant cheap mercenaries under British and Holy See control.  

Via a combination of co-option and pay-offs they intend to set up Hong Kong inside China just as they set up the District of Columbia in "the US".  

This forms a safe base of operations for them inside and associated with the country they are targeting. 

Over time they confuse the identity of Hong Kong with "China" in the same way they have confused the identity of "the US" with America. This then allows them to undermine the actual Chinese government and gain access to the labor and credit and resources of the Chinese People.  They will try to do to China what they have done here. 

And they willl try to use China and it's young men to bully and rape the rest of the world, just as they have misled, used and abused the Americans. 

It behooves every thinking being on the planet to see what these Vermin are doing and expose it so that they are cheated out of their aims. 

Russia needs to play a crucial part in this exposure because no other nation can.  America is just waking up and the rest of the world is at a hopeless disadvantage. 

As more people recognize the horrors of Commercial Feudalism and the plans of Britain and the Holy See to impose this on the whole world via manipulation of China, they will be blocked by many countering forces both inside and outside China. 

Once fully awake, the American Peoole will be outraged by the mistreatment and Breach of Trust they have suffered at the hands of these criminals--- and they will have no trouble assisting the rest of the world in putting an end to these self-interested and diabolical Monarchist crime syndicates. 

Enough is enough.  

We now know which governments are actually responsible and who the criminals are.  We have identified the source of the problem and it's not Russia. 

We have exposed the intention of the Vermin to move into the Middle East and foment trouble there via their misleading propaganda and funding of ISIS.  We have identified their parasitic tentacles seeking to "set up shop" in China and run a "US v America" style national identity theft scheme via a similar "Hong Kong v. China" set up.

It is time for the entire world to wake up and put an end to the parasites' activities--- see through them and end them.
Anna's comments end here.

There can only be one conclusion: Great Britain rules the United States.  Which is why It wasn’t Russia that tried to fix the 2016 U.S. presidential election, it was the British.

           The British Crown, Privy Council and ‘City of                             London’ Effectively Rule America

You know that “Special Relationship” that so many POTUSes say exists between the US and UK?

It’s special alright!

So special that each U.S. President who repeated the Tavistock-fabricated mantra knew that they were really working for “the Crown”, not the American people.

By the way, according to the U.S. Constitution, that’s called:

T R E A S O N 

This exposé will be a relatively short one.
That’s because all the evidence proving treason at the highest echelons of the US government is now in plain sight.  This has never happened before!
Each piece of evidence that proves the United Kingdom has ruled over the United States — FOR QUITE A LONG TIME — is so compelling and conclusive as to be self-evident.
The real short story here has been nicely summed up at this excellent video: GAME OVER! It’s time for torches and pitchforks.
For anyone who wants to flesh out the skeleton of this massive multi-decade British criminal conspiracy to usurp the America Republic and surreptitiously subjugate the U.S. citizenry to the Crown, please consider this important article on SERCO—sometimes known as “the Octopus”.

SERCO: A Corporate Octopus With Tentacles Wrapped Around The Globe

Next up is a crucial article that explains how things are connected between all the moving parts of this traitorous juggernaut. THE BRITISH TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE CONTROLS MSM SOCIAL MEDIA PROPAGANDA, MUELLER, SERCO AND THE SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE (SES)
With this critical understanding of how the British Intelligence Community stealthily usurped American sovereignty and financially enslaved the populace, it’s much easier to grasp why the nation has been subjected to a fake Russiagate investigation by Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III.  Oh, he’s “special” alright!  A very special British agent, indeed, who’s also a stone-cold Deep State hitman, lifelong Rothschild puppet and seditious SES employee.

MUELLER INVESTIGATION: A Massive Cover-up of Deep State Criminality and Corruption

Remember, turncoat Mueller was initially recruited to cover up the greatest terrorist attack on U.S. soil known as 9/11.  As a matter of historical fact, as FBI director for 12 long years starting just 7 days before the state-sponsored, false flag, terror operation on September 11, 2001, Mueller was specifically chosen to function as “the cover-up artist of the millennium”.  As follows:

KEY POINTS:  Robert Mueller was deliberately selected to lead the FBI during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.  It was by purposeful design that his tenure as FBI Director began on September 4, 2001, just 7 days before the 9/11 false flag terror operation.  And, that he remained in that job for 12 corrupt years until September 4, 2013 to ensure that the FBI would never professionally investigate the greatest crime and act of terrorism ever perpetrated on US soil.  In fact, Mueller’s 12 years are marked by an overwhelming body of evidence which proves his willful neglect, dereliction of duty, official misconduct and misprision of felony.  Clearly, Mueller’s greatest crime to date was overseeing the institutional cover-up of the 9/11 government conspiracy to commit acts of terror, murder and destruction against the American people and property.
(Source: ROBERT MUELLER: He’s not a Special Counsel, he’s a Deep State hitman and cover-up artist!)

Herr Mueller has effectively destroyed the rule of law in America with his Gestapo henchmen and Stasi thuggery
Why so much focus on Mueller?
Because his endless story of outright treason and calculated sedition is representative of so many other American elected politicians, government officials and high-level statesmen—that’s why!
In other words, Deep State operative Mueller has been able to literally destroy the rule of law in America because he is painstakingly protected by his overlords in the New World Order globalist cabal.  The guy is not only untouchable as he acts with criminal impunity, he’s also operating completely outside of the rubric of the U.S. Code.
Everyone saw how highly acclaimed — by the entire U.S. Congress — Mueller was just before and after his selection as Special Counsel by another Deep State operative—Rod Rosenstein.  Exactly why was British agent Mueller chosen to commandeer such a blatantly flawed and fake investigation in the first place?  Here’s the back story:  MUELLER was installed by his Deep State Masters to Cover Up Real Crimes, Fabricate False Crimes and Protect the Power Elite from Prosecution
The bottom line is that the U.S. Federal Government is full of “Muellers”—British agents who are in the pay — monetary or political — of the UK Government.  There are literally thousands of U.S. Government service workers (especially SES employees) who actively work for the British Intelligence Community, the Rothschild Crime Syndicate and/or the London Financial District.  Barack and Michelle Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and Kamala Harris, Lindsay Graham and Diane Feinstein, James Comey and John Brennan, James Clapper and Michael Hayden are just a few of other obvious, yet covert, agents of “the Crown”.  And, most of them don’t even know it!

The Great Game against Russia

The other side of this multi-century pursuit of global domination is the war (military and political, financial and economic) against the Russian Federation.  While the USA was completely taken over by the British Crown quite some time ago, Russia refuses to be absorbed into the American-British Empire.  Hence, the Great Game was commenced centuries ago in order to take over the Russian Motherland by stealth, by proxy, and by any means necessary.
The more current bogus Russiagate scandal is nothing less than a reckless and daffy British attempt to foment a World War between the United States and Russia.  The incessant war propaganda campaign being waged by London globalists against Kremlin nationalists is way beyond anything humanity has ever witnessed before.  So shrill is their naked prevarication about anything having to do with Russia, that the whole world now knows of British designs to maintain and expand their clandestine hegemony worldwide (sometimes viewed as The Commonwealth). See: Britain’s “Institute for Statecraft” Finally Exposed, Top Secret ‘Integrity Initiative’ Blown Wide Open
What’s essential to comprehend as this international psyop is run by British intel is that they oversee just one prong of an elaborate multi-pronged strategy to conquer Russia … and then the whole world.  The primary pieces of this complex Gladio black operation to foist a One World Government upon the entire planetary civilization include the Vatican (religious and social control), London (financial and economic control), Washington, D.C. (political and military control) and Tel Aviv (intel and criminal control).  A vital part of their ultimate plan for total global domination is well described here: STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination
How do the Crown, Privy Council and City of London rule America?
It’s complicated.
In actuality, it’s a very long and extremely complicated story that goes all the way back to the American Revolutionary War and before.
However, it’s that latest phase of British subversion of the Republic that is detailed in the following 3 posts.  First there is this excellent video titled: The Crown, Tavistock and the Overthrow of Donald Trump
This second video provides more vital details and important perspective on How the Brits tried to overthrow President Trump.
Lastly, there’s an outstanding multi-media compilation below of hard, anecdotal and circumstantial evidence, which prove categorically that the British establishment conspired with Deep State to first steal the election from Candidate Trump, before they tried to overthrow President Trump—an immense and convoluted criminal conspiracy that continues up to this very day.



There can only be one conclusion: Great Britain rules the United States.  Which is why It wasn’t Russia that tried to fix the 2016 U.S. presidential election, it was the British.

Fabricated Oppo Against Trump by British Spook Firm,
Illegally Funded by Clinton Campaign and DNC,
Then Used to Initiate Probe and Appoint Special Counsel,
And Conduct a Witch Hunt Against Trump and Russia[1]

And do you know that the Brits continue to promote their utterly juvenile charade now ridiculed the world over as “the MI6-directed fake Russiagate scandal”?!
Not only do the real perps promote this preposterous hoax — 24/7 — using the London press and New York MSM, but they’re also openly influencing the POTUS not to release the damning Russiagate documents because of how much various organs of the UK Government are directly implicated in the treacherous affair. See: MI6 battling to stop Donald Trump releasing classified Russia probe documents
Truly, when all the dirty laundry is aired between London and Washington, D.C. generations of Americans will fully understand that they have been the victim of:



State of the Nation
December 31, 2018