Monday, September 24, 2018

Why The Articles of Confederation Matter -- Today

By Anna Von Reitz

When I was in school the whole subject of The Articles of Confederation was glossed over.  I was told that The Articles of Confederation were used very early on in our history and then "replaced" by the Constitution.  

I would be willing to bet that 99% of the people reading this were given the same pat answer about The Articles of Confederation--- not because our teachers meant to lie to us, but because they were never taught the truth about this subject themselves. 

Still, even back then, reading both documents, I had a hard time seeing how The Articles of Confederation could be replaced by the Constitution?  That was Sixth Grade. 

We passed over the subject again in Eleventh Grade.  By then I had even more pesky questions in my mind.  

The Articles of Confederation proposed to create a "perpetual Union" so, logic dictates that for that Union to end, some official action would have to be taken by the States to end it.  Where, I asked, is that official action?  

Karen Hudes Tries Selling Another Big, Fat One

By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday I issued a warning in the form of an Alert about Disinformation coming from (via Legal Registry, LLC, an organization in Washington, DC, that makes its living by registering (and stealing an undisclosed interest in) everything in sight.  

While giving them credit for accurately describing the corruption of the banks, I drew your attention to the fact that they are incorrectly assuming (and teaching you to assume) that the debts of the Territorial United States are our debts.  

Instead, all that debt of the Territorial United States is owed to us, the American States and People.  

Instead of being the Debtors responsible for their debts (the Queen of the UK is actually responsible for them and their debts) we are their Priority Creditors. 

The banks pretending to be the Creditors are "Secondaries" standing in a Middleman position, pretending to "represent" us in one capacity, while trying to stiff us for debts we don't owe in another. 

Well, here's another one --- Karen Hudes' latest "offering" on the Alter of Deception.  

She claims to have found a "secret" Constitution written in 1871, revealing "trillions of dollars" of debt purportedly left over from The Revolutionary War.  

[Hahahahahahah!  Good one, Karen.  How did you keep a straight face?]

I have news for her.