Friday, March 30, 2018

The Simplest Outline

By Anna Von Reitz

Even after the publication of America:Some Assembly Required, I keep getting long diatribes from patriots who have discovered some part of the "elephant" and still don't get the big picture. For those who still need to know, I am publishing this simple outline showing the way our government is supposed to be structured:
The People (the Militia)
delegate power to:
The Counties
delegate power to:
The States
delegate power to:
The United States of America (Unincorporated)
delegates power to
The States of America (Unincorporated)
delegates power to:
National-level States of State
delegates power to:
Territorial United States
delegates power to:
Municipal United States
Thanks to criminal mis-representation and mis-administration, Breach of Trust and breach of commercial contract and overall constructive fraud, this structure has been turned upside down, with the Municipal United States lording it over all the other levels of government in reverse:
Municipal United States
by appointment exercises the powers of
Territorial United States
replaces National States of States with Territorial States of States
National States of State
mothballed and redefined as State Trusts, e.g., Georgia State
States of America (Confederation of States)
torn apart by "Reconstruction" and not allowed to reform
The United States of America (Unincorporated) (Federation of States) ignored and by-passed by its employees
States dba Florida, Georgia, Texas, etc., similarly by-passed
Counties redefined as federal corporate franchises owned by the Territorial States of States
People redefined as federal corporate franchises owned by the Municipal STATES OF STATES.

Good Friday

By Anna Von Reitz

Things are always strange on Good Friday.  All over the world, Stigmatics are suffering.  Strange wounds appear on their flesh.  They experience in real time the agony of crucifixion.  This happens to them every year.  Of course, they know the story.  In some sense, they know why it happens: it's because the countenance of Jesus is lifted up on them. They take on His Image and share in His suffering. 

Stigmatics have been studied for hundreds of years.  They have been subjected to all sorts of mental and physical tests, discounted as "hysterics" and venerated at the same time.  Most of them are perfectly normal people, except that they carry enigmatic scars--- tiny scars on their foreheads, larger scars on their hands and wrists and feet and ankles, and a large scar like a knife scar on their sides.