Monday, February 19, 2018

Use Your Heads

By Anna Von Reitz

If you cannot look at the two names "Riezinger" and "Ratzinger" and see for yourself at a glance that they are two different names, there is no hope for you. You need to give up and cling to your shackles and pray that your masters don't eat you instead of a turkey next Christmas.
Presumably, you also have trouble and confuse "Johnson" and "Olson"? Or "Sanford" and "Sandeman"? Or can't see that "O'Brien" and "Bannon" are different, either?
God help us all --- what happens when I try to teach you that the "Wisconsin State" is not the same as the "State of Wisconsin" and that "Wisconsin" itself is different than either one of them?
Why, exactly, would I need anyone in the old, failed, nasty, corrupt banking system to issue bonds for me against assets that I control?
Why, exactly, would I ever need anyone to issue bonds in my behalf at all, since it is plain on the public record that I have issued sovereign bonds aplenty and made them stick?

An Education on the Birth Certificate from Frank O'Collins

From Anna Von Reitz

I am constantly receiving questions about Birth Certificates.  The essence of a BC is that it proves that a live man or woman was born on the actual birth day, as opposed to the "filing date" or "birthdate" which marks the creation of the THING named after you. 

A Birth Certificate does not positively identify you, but it admits that a living being with your name came into this world, touched down, and there is no actual, viable proof of your death--- only a presumption of death based on the fact that the Vital Statistics people haven't heard from you since you left the hospital.  No doubt it is time we all gave them and the Deputy Clerks of the Probate Courts across America a big, fat "Hulloooo!"  

A BC does not function as a valid recording of your Common Law copyright to your own Name and Estate, rather, it is a false claim against your Name and Estate which has to be corrected---- but in a negative way, the proof that it provides does preserve "a" public record of an event which you can prove and invoke by private means and from other public records to reclaim your interest in your Name and estate.  So it is a means you should employ in building your claims. 

What follows was taken directly from the old Ucadia website, which Frank subsequently removed from the internet because unscrupulous people were attempting to piggy-back upon and thwart and misrepresent and misuse Frank's work. This particular section is of so much public benefit I pray he will forgive me for re-printing with full credit given and an injunction to my Readers to honor the man and his work and always give him credit for anything you quote and also be sure to tell anyone you send it to that they are not allowed to change, edit, or amend one word of it.  You may not plagiarize or edit anything that appears here:

Florida School Shooting False Flag?

I can't let all this go by without letting you know what is being said about the shooting in Florida.

Google Search Shows Fla Shooting Headline 2 Days BEFORE Event!

Active shooter drill going on, and told the cops would be firing blanks. 

This video was removed by YouTube in an act of censoring the news, which should be a criminal act.

Trump Investigating Parkland Shooting With Military! It's On!


This video was removed by YouTube in an act of censoring the news, which should be a criminal act.