America: Some Assembly Required

By Anna Von Reitz

Now released for immediate publication here:

Many of you have noted that I haven't been on the airwaves much in the last two weeks, and some have even been worried (bless you for your concern!)--- but I have been hard at work as always.

My faithful readers are aware that I have written two books that detail a lot of history and public records:  Disclosure 101 is about my own personal journey and You Know Something is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause is a "serious comic book" --- is written in large print and hits the highlights of our largely unknown and untaught history at a Middle School level.

The purpose of the first book, Disclosure 101, was to provide a public record of at least a small portion of the work I did over a period of years.  The purpose of the second book was to provide a reader friendly "basic primer" so that people could grasp the Big Picture quickly.

So now I've written a third book titled "America: Some Assembly Required".

It came about because a friend of Donald Trump came to me and asked me to write an "executive history" in "30-second sound bites" for the President that he could scan through pretty rapidly.  He said that Mr. Trump wants to know the history, but like everyone else, wasn't taught..... so.......

That is, technically, the reason why I sat down and wrote this third book and since President Trump is a business man. I did something that I think has worked out very well --- I wrote it from the perspective of the business history of America.  I promise it isn't as dull as that sounds.

It turns out that viewing our country's history from that standpoint reveals a lot of the inner workings of how our government was designed to work and how, when, and by whom it got messed up. And, in a very prosaic way, it suggests how to fix it.  One of my faithful proofreaders said, "It's like being shown an engine, and suddenly you can see that there are spark plugs missing!"

Seeing it in terms of business structures and business processes and practices may help Mr. Trump and a lot of other people wrap their minds around what has gone on here.

This is another Large Scale book.  I am covering a lot of ground with a short, little publication designed to be read in 30-second sound-bites by very busy executives.  The whole idea is to lay it down fast and in little puzzle pieces that self-assemble in an orderly fashion—, not a James Michener classic. 

So that, folks, is what I have been up to.  The Donald gets a free copy, but it is copyrighted for a reason and I will be blunt: we need to raise money. As important as it is to get this information out to as many people as possible, so is the work of The Living Law Firm and our researchers and Asset Recovery Team.  What started out as a handful of people has grown into a football stadium-sized crowd, and so have the needs.

It's good that we have people flying to places like Hong Kong and conducting business in behalf of the American People again.  It's good that we have researchers nailing down the exact pathways that have been used to siphon away the value of our labor, where our gold went, where our credit went. All of it.  It's good we have legal eagles turning over the dusty pages to discover the details of how our own government, our own employees, have been used against us.  It's all great, but it all costs money.

So in addition to cluing in Donald J. Trump to some of the nuances he might not know about, or think about, America: Some Assembly Required, is a fundraiser for our guys in the field.  I continue to ask for donations for the cause-- when some can be spared for the work here, please donate to my Paypal Account and/or send to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652----but I also want to give back in terms of products.  All the books will be available on

America: Some Assembly Required should be on sale soon and should be very affordable.  I will report back as soon as my publisher has it up and rolling.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

NOLs and Court System Basics

By Anna Von Reitz

I recently got a "complaint" letter from a reader who apparently got in trouble himself or had friends who were "thrown in jail" as a result of using a Notice of Liability---- and he wanted to let me know that a process I had recommended wasn't working, etc.

There are two kinds of courts typically at work in America.  Both are foreign to us. American courts have to be staffed and run by us so, until more people take up their responsibility to self-govern, they are relatively rare.

There is the Territorial Court System, meaning British Territorial United States Court System that shouldn't even be addressing us, which uses British "Equity" Law and there is the MUNICIPAL COURT SYSTEM that uses COMMERCIAL LAW, which is used by the equally foreign MUNICIPAL UNITED STATES.