Tuesday, December 5, 2017

This Time of Year

By Anna Von Reitz

After Thanksgiving.  Before Christmas.  The world is in a rush, some of it happy, some of it grim.  At no other time of the year does the chasm between the haves and the have-nots become more glaringly apparent or the pain of it so sharp. 

This is as true for the members of The Living Law Firm as it is for everyone else.  

We now have almost 200 former judges, former Bar Attorneys, paralegals, financial auditors, volunteer CPAs, court administrators, and historical researchers working full time to save America --- and it is because of their work that we have been able to develop the knowledge base we have been able to share with all of you.  

It's because of them that we know the Civil War was an illegal commercial mercenary action.  It's because of them that we were able to track down the Lieber Code and its modern-day versions enshrined in The Hague Conventions. It's because of them that we have the complete details of the 1863 US bankruptcy, the 1907 bankruptcy of The United States of America, Inc., the 1933 bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc., and the current bankruptcies, too.