Thursday, November 30, 2017

Introduction to Bitcoin - Andreas Antonopoulos

Please give me your comments on this, and let's get a discussion going. I really am interested in your opinion.

Please  use the comments section below.

Found here:

How and why is Bitcoin secure?  How can Bitcoin and blockchain bypass central banking?

Found here:

Anna in Wonderland

By Anna Von Reitz

Forget about sweet little Alice.  This is Grandma Anna reporting from Wonderland.

This morning I was awakened at 4 a.m. with a feeling of uneasiness.  Why?  Because the polarity we have lived with and in for so long is shifting, and yet, the old paradigm persists with great stubbornness and will not yield to any gentle remedy. 

I have given the world a gentle remedy, one that would not hurt anyone--- a simple bookkeeping adjustment that would bring everything back into balance, create a credit-based world economy, and provide for everything anyone on Earth needs to thrive and be happy. 

The only thing standing in the way are illusions of greed and power related to things that don't exist.  Delusions, in other words.  Falsehoods.  Lies.  But even the liars are deceived. 

In a way, among all the strange things I have observed, that is the strangest of all.  You would think that the liars could keep track of their own lies and therefore know the truth, but in fact, they are just as confused as everyone else. Maybe more so. 

Bundy Ranch Reminder - Ammon to be released today.

Later today Ammon Bundy will be released pending the Bundy trial set to continue December 11th.

Here is one news article about the release scheduled for today.

Cliven Bundy refused to be released while other co-defendants remain in jail.