Thursday, September 28, 2017

A Note Is A Note Is A Note Is A Note

By Anna Von Reitz

A note by any other name would smell as bad. 

What is a note?  It's the flip-side of a bond.  

You promise to pay a note in the future.  Someone or something else promises to pay you a bond in the future.  

Both a note and a bond are debt instruments.  Neither one of them can pay anything.  They can only create and transfer debt, debt, debt, and more debt. 

So it doesn't matter if it is a "Federal Reserve Note" or a "US Note".  Both are nothing more or less than I.O.U's.  

But, wait a minute---- do you owe them, such that you need to pass around I.O.U's in lieu of money? 

A Brief Report For Those Trying to Understand the New World

Basic Concepts and Discussion
  1. The natural world is organized according to air, land, and sea.
  2. The systems of law and the governments and institutions of men have also been organized according to “jurisdictions” of air, land, and sea.
  3. The jurisdiction of the land is national in nature.
  4. The jurisdiction of the sea is international in nature.
  5. The jurisdiction of the air is global in nature.
  6. All actual assets, gold, silver, land, etc., have their existence on or in the land.
  7. All fictional assets, titles, stocks, bonds, etc. have their existence on or in the sea.
  8. There is a point of interface between land and sea known as international land jurisdiction established by the postal district(s), postal offices, and post roads which interface with sea lanes designated for international trade and travel.
  9. As a result, a “corporate” entity which is private and non-commercial and unincorporated, like a Mom and Pop business, for example, Steve’s Food Store, may interface with and do business with an “incorporated” entity established by a corporate charter, like Food Services of America, Inc.