Friday, September 8, 2017

Private Jokes, Land, and Political Reality

By Anna Von Reitz

Those of you who are of a certain age will remember the cartoon, "Mighty Mouse". 

When all this began in earnest I was feeling overwhelmed and confided that I felt like a "mouse trying to eat an elephant."

My friend said, basically--- move over and I'll take a bite, too!

So, he became "Mouse Too".  

Later volunteers to the cause earned their own "Mouse Names".   This isn't meant to be any kind of secret names fol-der-rol.  It's just a reminder of our brotherhood of humanity, one by one, chewing our bit of the government and world power "elephant". 

Our gallant cartoonist, Paul Snover, immortalized the "Mouse Moment" with a large scale cartoon of the moment when one mouse became two mice and all that has happened since.