Monday, August 14, 2017

My Twentieth Anniversary

By Anna Von Reitz

Twenty years ago on my Father's birthday I took the plunge.  I had studied the issues for years and had decided that I would not "voluntarily" pay federal income taxes anymore.  That decision and many others like it would follow in a natural, organic process as my understanding grew.  

I recognized it for what it was --- a foreign and out-of-control and out-of-compliance corporation run amok on our shores.  I faced the facts, and that was that.

I was feeling pretty good about the progress that has been made in this country over the past twenty years --- in part because of my work and the work of thousands of other people like me, who decided that enough was enough, picked up an oar and began steering our "ship of state" off the reef, inching it slowly away from the looming federal disasters. 

Yep, I was feeling pretty perky.