Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Two Jurisdictions Down, One to Go

By Anna Von Reitz

Satan is a Liar, in fact, he is the Father of All Lies. He can't play it straight. It's not in his nature to be anything but crooked, because the Truth is not in him.

And where was Satan cast down, like a comet? Into the sea. So where is his kingdom and his law prevailing? The international jurisdiction of the sea. The Law of the Sea is pagan in origin and it remains pagan to this day.

It is also a law based on fiction --- and what is fiction, but lies?

So, there you have it. The Bible told you all this a long, long time ago. Satan's kingdom, deceptively called the Kingdom of God, functions on fiction -- lies --- and what are corporations, but "legal fictions"?
Does IBM exist? Point to it. Show me the entity "IBM"?

Release of the Interest of the Holy See

By Anna Von Reitz

12 July 2017

Most Beloved Francis,

It is my understanding that the Holy See has released its interest in the bankruptcy proceedings of the Municipal and Territorial governments throughout the world, and that leaves the unincorporated United States of America as the only unincorporated government still standing in this matter.

We will proceed with your blessing to address the urgent matters of: (1) discharging odious debts; (2) off-setting mutual debts; (3) outright debt forgiveness, such as we have already offered Puerto Rico; (4) employment of new assets; (5) hybrid bond issues; (6) relief of the mortgage foreclosures; (7) establishment of new international trade banks; and final settlement.