Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Four Kinds

By Anna Von Reitz

There are those who are deceived by Satan and his minions and who in helpless delusion fail to embrace the Truth, and so, are lost.
There are those who through horrible adversity are overthrown and unable to seek and find the Truth, and so perish---like the seeds sprouting on stone. (Luke 8.)
There are those who, though they hear the Truth, are too beguiled by the pleasures of the world, and so, they become entangled and choked by the proliferation of the vanities surrounding them. And they, too, are lost.
Among all the rest are those who possess, as Jesus said, a "good and noble heart" and these overcome all the deceptions, the circumstances, and the temptations, not by their own strength, but because they bear witness to the Truth. They become shining lights and sources of hope and comfort for the whole Earth.
Which one are you today?