Saturday, June 10, 2017

Bill Warner, PhD: Jihad vs Crusades

Published on Aug 20, 2014
Which was worse? Watch the data and you decide. This video is part of Bill Warner's astounding lecture: "Why we are afraid. A 1400 years secret": part of a must watch playlist:"
Battle list:

What I Think. Really.

By Anna Von Reitz

What I said is that the Muslims have been misled and lied to about their own religious scriptures just as the Jews and the Christians have---- which is verifiable fact well-known to linguists competent to read the words of their Prophet in his original Aramaic language.

We have ALL been lied to and that has caused people to believe things and do things that are heinous.  Does everyone think that the Inquisition was "Christian"?   How about the Crusades?   How about the Pogroms?  Buchenwald?  --- All done by Christians who were misled into committing horrifying crimes against helpless people and all strictly against the teachings of Jesus and against the Ten Commandments. It has all been papered over again and again with sophistry and excuses by people merely pretending to be Christians.