Sunday, April 9, 2017

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 --- Reply to Arnie Rosner

By Anna Von Reitz

Stop putting words in my mouth!  I never said there was no Constitution.  The original one is still in effect---so long as there are any actual American nationals and State Citizens willing to hold the rats accountable. 

Read Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.    It grants Congress the plenary government of the District of Columbia.  So they created the Territorial Government of the United States, and following the Insular Tariff Cases of 1900-1904, they created the Territorial States of States. 

Within the District of Columbia also exists the Municipality of Washington, DC---- which the Congress also enjoys plenary control of.  So they created the Municipal Government of the United States, too. 

And each of these has "citizens"---- Territorial Citizens and Municipal citizens. 

We are not naturally citizens of anything.

Turkey Farming in Colorado

By Anna Von Reitz

I told the Colorado Grand Juries not to do these things which have resulted in their members being arrested---and I thought they understood the reasons why--- but turn your back for five minutes.....

So, here they are facing a lot of unnecessary unpleasantness and giving those of us who are proceeding lawfully a bad name. 

To explain the situation by analogy: a bunch of Irish nationals got confused and thought that Spanish courts and Spanish elected officials were doing something wrong because they were not obeying Irish law. 

The sane person asks--- why should Spanish people be obeying Irish law?  What are these nutcase Irishmen doing crossing over the border and threatening Spanish judges and elected officials for?