Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Collapsing the Fraud -- April 15th is a National Holiday

By Anna Von Reitz

Collapsing the Fraud -- April 15th is a National Holiday

If someone stole your identity, would you have any trouble reporting it to the bank and whoever else was impacted by the swindle? Would it take more than a nanosecond for you to object to paying someone else's bills? Accepting the blame for someone else's crimes? 
Well, come on, now, that is what has happened here. 
The criminals in Congress swindled your grandparents and parents, stole our national identity, grabbed our credit cards, set up millions of phony escrow ACCOUNTS benefiting themselves and have spent their ill-gotten gains and time in the District of Columbia cobbling up another gigantic swindle they are attempting to unleash on you and your kids right now.

It's time to wake up and pull the plug on this. 

No Democracy, Not Now, Not Ever

By Anna Von Reitz

"....Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of Government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that Democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a Dictatorship."

(Written by Professor Alexander Fraser Tytler, nearly two centuries ago while our thirteen original states were still colonies of Great Britain. At the time he was writing of the decline and fall of the Athenian Republic over two thousand years before.)

A friend recently sent me this quote and it is a timely reminder that I share with all of you.  I have read it many times over the years and the truth resonates across centuries and down to this current moment.