Saturday, April 1, 2017

Are We Idiots?

By Anna Von Reitz

Rod Class proved it with his decision from Judge Ridgeway. 

I proved it with no less than three cases--- one county, one state, and one State Supreme Court.

These courts have no jurisdiction related to you, the living man or woman.  None. 

They can only address either "United States Citizens" (Territorials) or "citizens of the United States" (Municipals).   That's it. 

They can't decide anything for you or against you or conduct any business related to you unless you consent to their jurisdiction, and when you do that, you give up all your constitutional rights and guarantees and are stuck relying upon the promises of crooks to provide you (at their discretion) with privileges known as "equal civil rights".

Why Clinging to Your Chains is Not the Answer

By Anna Von Reitz

 [I provided this as a reply to a man worried about the impact of expatriation from federal corporation "citizenship" and what surrender of the federal PERSONS associated with his name might do to Social Security payments, etc., that are now owed to him. 

He expressed a fear that he might be jumping from the frying pan into the fire and might lose what little he had. 

In fact, doing what I suggest guarantees getting out of the fire for good, and back to the land jurisdiction and lawful government you are owed----so long as you get on your hind feet and take action to restore your lawful local county and state government.