Thursday, March 23, 2017

Please Prevent Wholesale Anti-Semitism

By Anna Von Reitz

Let's draw a line in the sand between "Jews" and the Tribe of Dan.  

Dan was one of the sons of Jacob, and if you read the Bible, you will learn that the Tribe of Dan has a peculiar banner and emblem: the Serpent.  Hence, they are rightfully called "Serpent Seed".  

You will also learn that according to Jacob's blessing, Dan will be a "stumbling block" to the "Rider"----that is, to our reason and good sense. 

Later in the story, the Tribe of Dan "disappears" along with the other "Lost Tribes of Israel".   These tribes weren't really lost in the physical sense.  They were lost in the spiritual sense and fell into worshiping foreign gods. 

Our mission is to restore the lawful government that is owed to us.

By Anna Von Reitz

Our lawful government, sometimes called the "de jure" government, is called the United States of America.  The United States of America has been undermined from within by a commercial corporation calling itself the United States, which is under contract to our states to provide "essential government services".  (See the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783 and Article IV.) 

The United States is controlled by the Pope and the British Monarch and operated by a Board of Trustees calling itself the United States Congress. 

The United States went rogue during and after the so-called American Civil War and just neglected to tell anyone. 

A Guide to Choosing Your Leaders

By Anna Von Reitz

It is an unfortunate fact that by far the majority of men who assume positions of leadership in any organization are compelled to do so by their own egotistical hunger for coercive power and social recognition and control over others.

Just look at Capitol Hill.

Such men may appear as gentle as doves, yet inside be ravening wolves. They may speak of our Father and drape themselves with religious sentiment.  They may even appear as angels of light.  

Public Notice of Gross Judicial Misconduct

By Anna Von Reitz

This Notice is issued to the Public in regard to the activities of Bruce Doucette and Michael R. Hamilton taking place as an unverifiable conference call March 22, 2017 claiming to have authority to alter Public Law, commandeer Public Offices, have ownership rights to the name "Continental Marshals" which has been an office of the lawful government of the united States of America for over 200 years, claims to have authority granted to them to change the nature, duties, authorities, jurisdiction, and chain of command of the Continental Marshals a fiat by an unrecognizable multi-state group merely calling itself a "national assembly" when the only true national assembly is vested in the Continental Congress----let all be made aware that this is an act of gross judicial misconduct amounting to criminal negligence.