Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Constitution

By Anna Von Reitz

There are a number of questions that must be asked--- and answered--- by each one of us.  Before asking the first and most fundamental question and not inviting anyone to blurt out any answers at this point, I want to make my own position clear.
I do not now and have never advocated any act of violence, insurrection, or treason against the Constitution.
I view the actual Constitution as a flawed contract, but a contract that provides us with protections and guarantees we would not have otherwise.  Those protections and guarantees are supremely valuable once we place ourselves in a position wherein we can exercise them.
So let’s begin with what the actual Constitution is--- and let’s make it clear that when I say “The” Constitution or use the singular form of the word, I am talking about the real American deal ---and when I use the plural form of the word, I am talking about constitutions in general as a class of legal instruments.  
All constitutions, then, are debt agreements--- and so is ours.