Saturday, January 7, 2017

Mortgage Fraud, Political Status and Law, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 15

By Anna Von Reitz

Law is not a good thing simply by its nature.  It arises out of religion, which is supposed to be a matter of freewill, but seldom is, and then it erects barriers and presumptions based on whatever system of law you are encountering.  All systems of law are essentially rules for the Game of Life, but it is up to you to choose the rules you are operating under, and that then determines how you play it.

So let's go over the basics.

In the beginning of recorded history we lived under the Noahide Laws known as the Law of the Sea.  This is the form of law that existed prior to the Flood and has existed ever afterward.  There is no evidence in the standard Bible that Noah was a lawgiver like Moses, but his name got attached to these laws anyway.


Whether we like is or not, what happens with this does affect our safety.

No matter your view of jurisdiction, or sovereignty, this bunch of radical leftist communist activists will have a bearing on your future unless something drastic is done to stop them.

They are seditionists, and traitors, and need to be rounded up, but who in this corrupt structure that government has become will have the backbone to do it?

The NeoCons will use it to expand the police state and try to suck Trump into supporting the expansion. The leftists will create chaos in the streets.  The perfect formula for the final destruction of America in 2017.
