Monday, January 16, 2017

Montana’s Natural Man Omnibus Hearing for latest arrest. Exclusive coverage.

Here is the video update from Ernie’s Omnibus hearing last week.


We will keep you up to speed on this as it develops.


  1. Thank you Ernie. You handled this moment well and in peace. Your skills are growing along with your content. We are with you....much care and appreciation to you and yours. The truth will set you free. Peace, prosperity and power.

  2. Might consider judge currie method answer by mail .

  3. For those of you who find themselves in this situation, all you have to do is walk into the courtroom and wait for your name to be called. Then , before you answer one thing the judge tries to get you to answer, because remember he is presuming the "fiction"(person) has just stepped before him through a doctrine they call "silent judicial notice", until you set the record straight as soon as he tries to get jurisdiction by answering one question of his. Its your job to get him to amswer first to your question. First one to answer to the other automatically gets jurisdiction of the court. Therefore, when the judge says Mr so and so, you are charged with...bla , bla, bla , how would you like to plea. Now keep your cool and dont turn this into a controversy. Simply ask the judge is it his policy to always assume that the name you called is the person staning in front of you...see if he bites with just an answer. Then you have him. But, more than likely he will ask you then who are you. To answer that your honor, let me first set the record straight.

  4. I am appearing "specially" and not "generally". Furthermore, i am here "without prejudice", without waiving any rights or remedies either proceeduraly or legally ever. And the person you called isnt here, but the MAN is, and this man is dragging the land with him. Do you have any objection to that. Box him in again to answer. Never let the judge get you to answer his question without giving him an answer back with a question. I know this seems childest, but thats just the way it is. Once the judge knows what you are up to, it can really get quite comical. He will start playing "actor". He might get mad and red in the face and ruffle his feathers just to intimitate you to answer him....Mr so and so, are you trying to play games with this court. Your response...i wasnt aware that that we were playing a game your i winning..??There is the question again back in his court. Ive heard of cantering like this in court that can last up to an hour before a judge just gets up and walk away. But dont leave the court. When he returns, he is trying to start over as if nothing was ever said. So inform him immediately, that i hope we can both assume we are starting were we left off, correct...theres that question again back at him. If he demands that you plea, just tell him , your honor, im moving for dissmissal of this case under FRCP 12(b)6, failure to state a claim for which relief cannot be granted. You dont need to actually state the rule number. In fact it is actually better if you dont, because he just might say Mr. so and so, you are quoting a civil proceedure and this is a criminal court. Dont buy into that lie. Objection, your honor, because until jurisdiction is established, it is all civil. He is trying to get you to "accept" an unconditional "offer". Its time to box him in with another question...Your honor, doesnt the FRCP# 1 specifically state that EVERY (not some or most, but all) actions at law, are "civil actions". Once you plea, not guilty, the court gets jurisdiction and now your civil case just turned into criminal. Your only in court for one thing, and one thing only....dissmissal of the case "with prejudice", meaning the case can never be brought up again. Most people jump for joy just by hearing the case is dismissed, but they never hear the words right after that. He will always try and dismiss a case...."without prejudice". Meaning, you won this round, but the DA can refile the case on you again. Always object if he doesnt dismiss the case "with prejudice". In truth ( if any is left in our courts) you have already defeated the court when you reserved your rights at the beginning and qualifing that you are a MAN (real not fiction) and that the LAND is coming with you(into court). Not the sea. It does take practice guys. They are well trained to get you accidentally answering a question. Ive done it, thats how i know. You have to relax. Take a valium before you decide to enter the court, because it can be very intimidating. Thats the real secret...relax. Its not the end of the world. Unless your facing murder charges.

    1. FRCP 12(b)(6) “Failure to State a Claim for which Relief can be Granted”

      Can be granted to set the record straight haha

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Natural Law -- An Introduction to Freedom

    The following links are the history, story, and solution for America.
    History: (order)
    Story: (hypothecation)
    Solution: (debt relief)

  7. does an English Maritime Xourt fet the right to send an American Citizen to trial??? As an Ambassador,I smell a dead judge

    1. Because "Citizens" are property of a corporation called THE UNITED STATES. Everyone has had that political label slapped on them at birth without consent. You're an American, not a citizen.

    2. consent of the mother and father is contractual, as informants, in a federal foundling hospital where you never touched the land, (and took DNA from your "soul"/left foot) then were considered abandoned at sea and never recorded on the land by your parents; the hospital registered/incorporated you for the church/county in your stead, (placed ads in the newspaper confirming this to no avail - abandoned church property) done under seal which is enforceable even if you were a minor under legal disability and presumed intact unless you have dis-affirmed it. you were then sent a birth certificate (they probably, church, have the live birth record) that you have impersonated since your birth and probably a few other license/passport/voter registration contracts and ACTIONS that prove you are...It is now your job to prove you are NOT...Sounds consensual to me?!

      Look up that word dis-affirm VERY important BTW

  8. This is an excellent post and comment of the best I've ever seen.
    Thanks, Anna and Comment or something! And Paul? You Rock!
    Blessings to all.

    1. Can we sue "auto-correct" program? Lol

      I meant to thank comment contributors too.

  9. Excellent example of the dunning-kruggar effect. His education is best described as "garbage in results in garbage out"


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