Friday, December 16, 2016

Divide and Conquer....Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 5

By Anna Von Reitz

We have heard the words "divide and conquer" since we were in Kindergarten.  It's what we did when the two Big Kids ganged up on the 500 First Graders. 

We've heard it, and to some extent, we've all done it--- yet, somehow, I have proof that we haven't understood it--- haven't quite fully grasped the concept.

The Revolution:  Brits against Colonists
The French Revolution: Monarchists against their Serfs
The Civil War: North against South
The First World War: Brits/French against Germans
The Russian Revolution: Monarchists against their Workers
The Second World War: Brits/French against Germans
Democrats and Republicans
Robber Barons and Labor Unionists
Palestinians and Israelis

Are you beginning to see a pattern here?  There are two sides to every conflict. Why is that?

The Only Adult in the Room.... Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 4

By Anna Von Reitz

Have you listened to the arguments and accusations about purported Russian spying and hacking --supposedly to interfere in the US elections?   

I have taught school all my life.  Even as a teenager, I taught Church School.

I've taught grade school, middle school and high school students and as a TA in college I have taught adults, too.  One of the things that teaching forces you to do, is to learn. 

Ironically, you can't teach anyone else anything without learning things yourself. You are just learning different things than your students.

They are learning to spell or to write coherent sentences or unravel the meaning of statistics or discovering the evidence of electrical current or learning the names of stars. 

You are learning how people think and how they react to new information and being tasked to answer questions nobody in your text books bothered to answer.