Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Come Out of Babylon

by Anna Von Reitz

I have tried and tried and tried to get this point across: there are two governments in America, one British, one American.  There are two populaces in America---- one of British Subjects, one of American State nationals. 

This is the way it is and it is the way it has always been.  For all those who want proof in the founding documents go to www.freesovereignandindependent.com and look at what the Definitive Treaty of Peace (1783) which ended the Revolutionary War reveals: two populations. One population known as the "free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States" and the other known as "inhabitants"---- British Subjects left here to provide "essential government services." 

Look at Article IV of the actual Constitution.  There it is again, the provision of essential government services by federal employees.