Sunday, September 4, 2016

New comment on State UCC Filings -- The way you want it.

Anna has left a new comment on your post "State UCC Filings -- The way you want it":

There is a separate list of the fifty state filings to be posted yet. It was sent out first as an email attachment.

This action puts an end to any hope or expectation that the banks could succeed in claiming that the land assets of America were "abandoned" by the actual owners and therefore available for seizure by secondary creditors --- the banks themselves, the perpetrators of all this fraud against the Americans and virtually everyone else, too.

Having set up the UNITED STATES for liquidation and having placed THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in Chapter 11 the rats figured they could wash their hands and nobody else--- certainly not the victims of this fraud--- would speak up and claim back the assets owed the actual states and people.

They thought they would make their false claim of "abandonment" and secure a legal claim on abandonment and use their commercial mercenary armies disguised as legitimate agencies of government to come in here and seize our property--- and nobody would be the wiser.

But guess what?