Thursday, June 16, 2016

Why You Don't Hear About All These Bankruptcies

by Anna Von Reitz

As I have explained many times before, what we are dealing with and what we have dealt with since the beginning of this country, is a situation where very lucrative government services contracts have been received by "governmental services corporations".  This fact has been obscured and partly hidden from the less-than observant public and over the years for lack of true oversight the situation has become abusive. 

In the beginning the Virginia Trading Company and several of the other old trading companies that financed the expansion into the New World banded together to form the United States (Trading Company).  That was bankrupted by Lincoln in 1863 and when the dust settled several new entities organized as corporations emerged, chief among them, The United States of America, Inc, the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, and the United States of America, Inc., all of which were bankrupted and/or morphed into still other corporate entities.  It was the United States of America, Inc. that Franklin Delano Roosevelt bankrupted in 1933 and which stayed in reorganization until 1999.  It was used as a pass-through, like a siphon, for the creditors of this bankrupt privately owned corporation to suck the American People dry under false presumptions and equally false pretenses, but it was by far NOT the only pig at the trough. 

Orlando victims died because they were unarmed, not because they were gay

While I might disagree that this event was actual and not staged as Sandy Hook was staged, Brandon Smith makes some very valid points about your own self defense and safety.
Paul Stramer

Orlando victims died because they were unarmed, not because they were gay by Brandon Smith — The recent attack at at gay club in Orlando by a self-proclaimed ISIS advocate, killing at least 50 people and wounding at least 53 more, was not at all a surprise. What is frustrating, however, is that even though these attacks are highly predictable, very few Americans seem to be preparing in any meaningful way to counter them. 

See the whole article here:

What do we really know about this so called "mass shooting" in Orlando?

Orlando Shooting — Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.
Orlando Shooting
Paul Craig Roberts
Some readers have asked for my take on the Orlando Shooting.
I don’t have one. Let’s see if together we can form a reasonable view.
Let’s start with the basic first question. Before there can be a murder declared, there must be a body. Has anyone seen on TV or in newspapers pictures of dead bodies? Bodies should be readily available if the reports are correct that fifty people were killed and 50 or more were wounded and in hospital.
I cannot bear the presstitute TV and print media. These are full-time propaganda organizations. Hopefully, some of you hold your nose and watch the news and can fill in the spaces. Has anything we have been told been confirmed by any real evidence?
Initially, I saw a CNN newscast and a RT report. The reports were heavy with verbiage of blood being all over the place, but the only visual evidence offered were three people, supposedly injured, being helped, not by medics or first responders, but by ordinary folks. A couple of people were helping a guy with tattoos in place of a shirt, but there was no sign of blood. Several people were helping people in police uniforms to carry a person who they dumped in the back of a pickup truck, not in the cab. About 6 people were carrying a person stretched out prone (no stretcher) down a street.
Read the rest of this article here: 

And here is a video that will really make you question this whole event.
Paul Stramer